Dynamic Text?

Hi! This is my first post on the forums so if you have no idea what im talking about, then feel free to ask, and I will try to explain in more detail. :confused:

Ok, so my question is:

Is there any way to make text dynamic in the game enigine? In another program I have worked with these were called dynamic textboxes. E.G, I could type something in, and it would appear in the game engine as im typing. Then I would press enter, and the text box would clear, and the text would appear somewhere else on the screen. My idea is something similar to a chatroom, with 3d elements to it. I would need to use Python, so are there any bits of Python people could suggest to me?

Also, I have seen people use the ‘@’ sign in text in their .blends, and wondered what that is. I would be grateful if anyone could tell me. (Im quite new at blender)


This link to a tutorial is a good place to start and here to one of Blendezos tutorials is a good follow up. There are others, and I know Blendezo has more. A Google search will turn up quite a few ideas for menus and interactive text. Also try here

Though as I say, Googling first is always a good idea


Thanks for the reply, I will try your suggestions