E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

Any way you could demonstrate this Bevel after Boolean exposing the wireframes? IS this supposed to work like the addon, but non-destructively?

I could do some wireframe in the coming days. Indeed, for the principle it’s like the addon but non-destructive as it’s 100% modifier code.


I had an option for that, but some said their was to many variants and took the support period options as market fragmentation. So currently it’s 2020 or 2019 only. Pre-order will give access to dev branch builds from time to time, to give a sneak peak on what is to come.
For flexibility, their is the monthly subscription and I can offer it half price for those taking a pre-order for 2020.

Please put RTX in the gumroad monthly subscription. You’ve already acknowledged monthly sub is more expensive than yearly, and RTX includes the regular version of E-Cycles. I specifically do the monthly sub to support ongoing development regularly but I’d like both versions included please.

Is it possible to add the Fracture modifier to either E-Cycles or the RTX build? It’ll be super useful for my current and future modeling projects.

For custom builds, it’s better to take the course where you learn to combine branches. Everyone has it’s own workflow, with different tools needed. The number of possisble combinations of patches and branches is huge, but you can decide what you need and do one perfect build for you. Look at the testimonial, the course is really made for artists with 0 programming background and as an E-Cycles user, you can get it half price.

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Where is the bridge modifier?

For compatibility reason it’s a variant of the decimate modifier. To make it short, it’s to ensure it will open properly if new modifiers are added later, so that your blends work with all future version of Blender and E-Cylces and you can send those to other team members, etc.

I did some optimizations for Nebulae rendering. I’ll upload the build. If their is a big demand, I could have a look to integrate it in the official E-Cycles builds after a bit more of testing. With it, $250 of hardware + 99$ for E-Cycles is 3 seconds faster than $1500 of hardware with buildbots = 1150$ sparred and the image is cleaner thanks to a new sampling strategy and adapted AI denoiser.


I am wondering, if I were to buy E-Cycles, would it be possible to get version without all the unprofessional UI modifications? E-Cycles has this random quick settings UI panel which breaks many of the proper UI conventions and just slaps random parameters together. I am not stupid so I can find the parameters I need to. The performance of E-Cycles looks really tempting but the unprofessional approach to handling the user interface really puts me off :confused:

Would it speed up volumetric rendering? I’m all for it if it does.

Thanks for the feedback. I have a lot of user returns which are very positive on this panel actually and those people are professionals looking at the work they produce. Some of them even work for Zaha Hadid. Taste can be discussed, but looking at their clients, they are considered professionals by a lot of people.

Even you made a case of the AO settings being in the world panel yourself on devtalk? E-Cycles brings all AO related settings on a single line, most noise related settings also on one line.

And for people who prefer the official UI, it’s all in one panel, the rest of the UI being untouched. So it’s very easy to just close it if you want?


With a bit of work to polish it, it would speedup volumetrics rendering generally yes.


I LOVE the Quick Settings BB! This is something that I yearned for in Octane for almost seven years. I believe some of us asked, and even made formal feature requests, but it never materialized. In E-C, one can use Quick Settings as a starting point, then tweak away. It’s perfect, imho.


:smile::+1: Anything that speeds up volumetric rendering is welcome, it’s one of the slowest things to render in Cycles.

I also find the quick setting super useful!

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Hi @bliblubli I’ve been trying out the optix build a 2080ti and it’s been great. However, I am getting similar render times to standard e-cycles using 2080ti + 1080 + ryzen3900x. Will the ability to use my 1080 and cpu as well as the 2080ti be part of the optix rendering eventually or will it only ever wort with the 2080ti?

Also when in optix build if I switch to CUDA I get an error to do with missing kernal 6.1, is this expected?

^ I just started wondering the same thing about OptiX version today (kinda coincidence), if I were to upgrade one of my three 980Ti to a 2080Ti or 2080 Super… So yeah BB, what happens with OptiX version when mixing RTX and GTX? Please don’t say they all have to be RTX. (crosses fingers)

quick settings menu is awesome :slight_smile:

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Optix does not support CPU + GPU yet according to this page:

“This does not support all features in the CUDA backend yet. Currently still missing are baking, branched path tracing, ambient occlusion and bevel nodes, using CPU memory, and combined CPU + GPU rendering.”

Sounds like they might add it in the future?

Yea that error is normal, you’ll need to use the normal E-Cycles build for CUDA rendering, the RTX build is mainly for Optix only.

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Thanks for that info, yes it does sound like they are going to have all those cycles features in optix. The optix rendering now is great in e-cycles but I do need those features sometimes, so it’s good to have the option for both.