E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

Dear customers,
the new March feature update of E-Cycles is available for download. Now both final render and viewport are up to 2x faster.

  • E-cycles now cleans the noise about 2x faster than master in viewport.
  • the quality of each sample is much higher (about a fourth of the sample is required to have the same quality as master, but each sample takes 2 time the computation power). So it enables to get a very good feedback of the scene during camera move, while still being fluid.

Note that this is a very young feature. It is preliminary focused on visualization of interiors using regular path tracing and CUDA (Branched path tracing is not supported yet).

This is an example in full HD full screen on a single 1080Ti:

You can buy E-Cycles now on Gumroad based on Blender 2.8x or 2.7x to get all the features that will come in 2019. Their is also a very affordable monthly option for 2.8x currently at the reduced price of 9.99€/month until the 4th of March (people joining now will benefit from the reduced price for the following month).

Some more examples
Here is a comparison after 2sec of rendering with master (noisy, 64spp) and E-Cycles (much cleaner, 7spp):

And E-Cycles live viewports rendering different Evermotion’s scenes:

also working with lot’s of refraction bounces through water, glass, Subsurface Scattering, etc.

The new denoiser
a 3 seconds render of the BMW scene

7sec at 100% (4 times the pixels)

You can also learn how to make your own version of Blender. It includes the modifications made in the february version of E-Cycles (including the new denoiser), plus new modifiers, how to streamline the UI and add patches available in Branches and patch tracker.