E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

Many people say bad things about progressive rendering with Cycles. E-Cycles is the exception. Look these render times below.

BMW scene - RTX 2060:

E-Cycles - Final render (Progressive refine) - 1:10
2.79.7 - Final render (Progressive refine) - 7:19
2.79.7 - Final render (Tiled) - 2:16

It’s faster than with tiled rendering :slight_smile:


What a good surprise :slight_smile:


Well, the only email I got from Gumroad is the one informing me about the subscription, from [email protected], should I really reply to this?

I checked, I have the latest 7zip and I tried both the lastest version (v20190308) and the I assume old one at the bottom, labeled 2.8_beta, with the same result.

ok, I send you a PM for the emails.

Is there a 2.79 subscription avaliable?

Only 2.8 has subscription. 2.79x became to fast. With the AI denoiser at level 3 and the option to only do preprocessing once per animation, you get this video from 5min render time down to 22 seconds, which is nearly 15x faster. If you put 180€ in a 1060 and 170€ in E-Cycles 2.7x, you render the video above in 44seconds per frame. So you got a very powerful render farm for a bit more than 300 bucks. Tutorial on how to get to that speed is included.
Mac versions is in beta test and will be available soon.

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I purchased it to test in some personal project and i need to say that i’m very impressed. I had tested others denoise solutions such D-noise and the build-in blender denoise but the Intel one is both faster and much more precise. I need to make more tests on it but what I’ve seen so far is incredible.
Hope you have success and keep this project alive for a long time. Your Cycles version is already years ahead the vanilla one.


The Mac version based on 2.8x is available.

I really like what you’ve done to improve the cycles renderer. How do I send a pm (sorry for noob question)?

You can click on my avatar then “message”

What’s the difference between the monthly 2.8 and 2.79 full version? It looks like my newest notebook GPU has died, and I’ll have to step down to my previous notebook (from a GTX 1060 Mobile to a 780m), so I got interested in your product, but since 170 euro is too expensive for me (that’s half the price of a GTX 1660 Ti where I live, and I can do so much more with a new card besides rendering in Cycles), I’d have to go with the monthly 2.8.

I’d like to know the difference in rendering in scenes using both DOF and Motion Blur. Some non photo realistic examples (like cartoon characters, which are my main line of work) would be awesome as well!

Hi Raphael,
the 2.79 version is stable and thus has some bonus features. 2.8x will get those features on the long term when it’s stable. Those 2 features are:

  • the faster AI denoising on multi-GPU setups
  • and the option to only do the preprocessing phase once for fly-through animations (where only the camera moves)

Regarding non photo realistic examples, I think @vitorbalbio also does a lot of cartoon style renders. Maybe he can show some shots? If you know or have some good cartoon-style blends freely available, or if you PM me some, I can render them and show you the results.

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The weekly update is available now for Windows, Mac and Linux.
You can get it based on 2.8x or 2.79x. You can also take a monthly membership for 2.8x.

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A quick changelog:

  • Both the 2.8x and 2.79x versions now have the AI denoiser addon built-in, so you only need to activate it.
  • The Quick Settings panel is in both versions now, exactly like in the tutorial. It brings all the speedup settings in one place, easily accessible.
  • Progressive rendering got a nice speedup from 7min19 in master to 1min10 in E-Cycles for a user scene

As someone asked here how to quickly preview light setups in Cycles, I had a try in E-Cycles to see. Here with 25 lamps:

And here when duplicating a row for 33 lamps:

So it’s fast, it allows to stay in the same engine and have the same unit for all lamps.

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Hi there!

I’m trying to use e-cycles on Arch and many of the required shared libraries are outdated. So far I’ve detected that required boost is 1.65.1 but the current version in the Arch repo is 1.69. Same issue with jemalloc.

Was wondering if it’s possible to provide the source to compile on my own system? Or at least a build for Arch in particular.



Hi there :slight_smile:
their is a static build available also, just it doesn’t has the new AI denoiser as it’s not working statically yet. I’m working on a fix myself as Intel seems to take time. I hope to have something tonight.
Best regards

Thanks for the suggestion. OBSStudio now support NVEnc and it’s very fast. It stills make rendering about 10% slower, but it’s acceptable compared to the overall speedup E-Cycles brings.

Original noisy render

nvidia optix denoiser from dnoise

inter open ai denoiser

dnoise lose a lot of informations compare to the intel denoiser

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