E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

E CYCLE only works with GPU

New benchmark single GPU:
As you can see here E-Cycles is about 25% faster but a lot noisier

I have reproduced the interior rendering demonstration that @bliblubli already posted a few times, but this time without screen recording overhead - 720p, 100 spp, 0.02 scrambling distance —> 5 sec render time with 2080Ti

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texture and object data already cached in vram right ?

what is the result for a similar noise nevel of cycles 2.8 official

I’m on it. You provided the file 13 hours ago, I do my best. It can even take some days to get fixed. Look at this bug for example which affects many archviz scenes https://developer.blender.org/T54486. reported more than a year ago, still no fix although the BF has many devs and now very good funding. You found a scene which has problem, I’m sorry for that, but I think it’s normal to give some time to people to react. Did you ever made a bug report to Microsoft or Autodesk?
If I can’t fix it in a reasonable time, I refund you. But I used to bug fixing, most bugs I got reported got fixed in a day or two. Look here for a bug report and here for the solution and here what the same customer who experienced bugs says. A bit of patience please :slight_smile:


So I did several test and couldn’t reproduce your noise bug. I used both the march version and the latest beta, both render with the same noise level. The noise is different (normal as E-Cycles uses a new sampler), but not higher:
Master takes 80 secs to do the path tracing and outputs this image (time is written on the line "time without synchronisation):

E-Cycles only 39sec and output this image(AI Denoiser):

This is the noisy image:

Did you use the exact same file?
Did you use the latest beta (I added a new one yesterday during the sales, maybe you got an old beta?)

I’m someone who occasionally does long renders, and am interested in this project - curious about how compatible / comparable it is to this:



here, an E-Cycles user did a comparison:

you have to download the images and zoom at 100% to see the difference.

Kind regards,

Yes same file.
I am downloading beta again just to be sure.

Hi Tibor,
Thanks a lot for showing the true speed of E-Cycles with external recording :slight_smile: I should get such a setup too. But the slowdown of live screen recording helps some to believe.
5 seconds for archviz :slight_smile:

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so you’re using the intel denoiser? Does it still work with the nvidia denoiser?

I’m using the Intel denoiser indeed. It should work with the NVidia denoiser of course. Addons compatibility is the same as for official Blender.

about that, any news from a viewport denoiser ? both from stefan and brett?
i talked about stefan on twitter about cpu viewport denoising + gpu calculation he’s saying its possible

Hi, Brecht has answered at https://devtalk.blender.org/
The patch is https://developer.blender.org/D2862
He was not very enthusiastic about the patch but was working fine with my GTX 560Ti and GTX 760 on Linux.
May you have a look, is not that big.

Cheers, mib

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Thanks for the link :slight_smile: I’ll look asap.

It’s on my huge todo list. Somehow, the more things I implement from my todo, the bigger the todo list is :smiley:

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ahahah same problem here, i think the third of the forum have a to-do list problem
could we know whats in the near future of your to-do list ?

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I have a 10% speedup already in good shape, but I didn’t decide yet what will come next, the April update was just released. So I’m concentrating on making it stable and polished first. Rendering an archviz in 5sec or 4.5sec (10%faster) doesn’t make much difference. It already allows E-Cycles users to avoid long uploads and downloads of huge PNGs/EXR by rendering locally, even on low end cards. And with RTX being worked on…
So I’ll also concentrate on making the documentation, tutorials and UI better so that users can even easier get the most out of E-Cycles. A better heuristic also to automatically choose parameters on the fly.
And of course a better viewport. I don’t remember if I posted it, the thread became so huge, it’s using the current 2.79 April beta:

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amazing keep up the good work !
can’t wait to see the result of the 2.79 beta in 2.8

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For those who already tested the new preset system, what do you think, should I let the sample count user defined and only include the other parameters?

  • Yes please, sample count user defined
  • It’s good as it is

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