E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

Did you happen to make the Registry edit recommended in the Windows Readme? Might not be related but definitely do that!

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is it for the video device timeout or something else? I was going through the documentation, I didnā€™t see that yet. If thatā€™s the settings I think I did it for substance painter already, but Iā€™ll double check. Thanks!

Yeah thats the one! Theres a little standalone readme doc with the details. I believe that value can actually be reset/deleted with driver reinstalls so def czech it out!

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That might have been the case! I checked the registry and actually the setting wasnā€™t there. I did the modification again and I havenā€™t had the issue so far, thank you a lot for the help!

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Great to hear! Have fun!


Thanks a lot @giacometti777, having users help each other saves me a lot of time to work on new features and optimizations :slight_smile: Thank you a bunch :slight_smile:


Hi Dimitri,
on top of everything @giacometti777 said, using lower indirect clamping is also very helpful.


Of course! Its the least I can do. I am constantly blown away by the coding efforts of all kinds of developers in this community (and others!) and totally rely on them to attempt to manifest as an artist.


Welcome on board :slight_smile: I hope to have some time soon to also have a look at Flip Fluids. Alleyne showed E-Cycles can already be 3x faster with better quality. If I can optimize E-Cycles further for fluids, Iā€™ll do it with pleasure. And mentioning E-Cycles if you use it can also help a lot :slight_smile:


Barista now supports E-Cycles. If someone get a bench of E-Cycles on 32 high end GPUs with 128GB of memory, itā€™s welcome :smiley:


A new tutorial is available with the new features of the June update explained and many tips to get the best results and speed with little work.


Hi Mathieu, bought ECycles for 2.79/2.8 on blendermarket - where can I find the updates?

Great work btw. and sorry for not reading the whole thread, my question might by answered several timesā€¦

You can find E-Cycles update info on Blender Market in the E-Cycles description page section entitled ā€œE-Cycles is regularly updated:ā€. E-Cycles downloadable updates are located in your ā€œOrderā€ section of Blender Market.


Yes, makes all sense, checked my orders but did not pushed the download-buttonā€¦
Thank you very much!

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As @brent3d said and the 2.79 June update will come soon. All reported bugs as of today are fixed, so if the E-Cycles 2.8x beta works good over the Week-End, Iā€™ll make a stable release for all versions on Monday.

Note that the new option added this month to 2.8x is already in the v20190516 from 2.79x, just in another panel (light path). Iā€™m currently slowly porting the extra features from 2.79x to 2.8x now that Blenderā€™s code is stable and only bug-fixing comes.

Feature-wise, 2.79x is still forward with the persistent data option, which will probably come next month to 2.8x. Both version would then be on the same level for 2.80 final.

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Thanks for the info, i am using 2.79 version from mid-may for production and everything seems to be stable so far & E-Cycles def feels faster! I plan to do the switch to 2.8 in summer when I have a little more spare time.

I have hold this question back for quite some time (wanted to be customer first), but here we go:

What I really would like to pay money for would be a customized blender version which really fits my workflow. I know about your other product but my problem is not enough time to actually dive into programming. Its not about new features, its about presets/addon integration/hardcode values and some
blender behaviour I would like to have changed or optimised. My co-workers show all interest in blender, but I know that transition is hard (started using Blender since 2.5 - using it for production 2.7), with an optimized build for our needs the switch might be easier. Initial large payment for setting up the build and regular smaller payment for every update cycle (6 or 12 monthly), could you imagine such work on top of your activities or even name a price if I would prepare a concept/mockups?

Thanks in advance for any response!

You can contact me per PM. I was a bit over loaded with work lately, so I canā€™t promise anything, but now that 2.8 stabilizes, I should have a bit more room soon after the July update is ready. I already have 2 other products I wanted to release in Februaryā€¦ we are in June :smiley:

Edit: By the way, I had several other users ask for custom build. Maybe finding a common ground would help everybody?

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The new Linux and Mac builds are up with the fix for the viewport when using alpha on the principled shader. Itā€™s still called beta, but it should already be pretty stable now.
Wish you all fun with it and a nice Week-End :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your reply! I could imagine such a thing on different scales, starting for me personally with little optimizations and ending with a whole production environment for our companyā€¦ that would be fun!

IĀ“m quite busy, too, at the moment, but I will have some time in August/September to descibe my/our needs in detail. Will contact you via PM, thank you very much!

Regarding other users request do you know in which field of CGI they are involved?


Can you give us a hint as to what your other product ideas are??