Earth in cycles with volumetric atmosphere

Adjust the Greater Than to -.05

for the lights i just used a global light map as the factor for an emit material.

I think the best method is to render the atmosphere and surface on different layers and then use the alpha from the surface layer to mask off the edges of the atmosphere sphere. You can blur the alpha a bit and it helps.
Again, not Earth, just a random planet I made.

new version, I like it.


New render with a different camera angle and some material tweaks.

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New render, any critiques or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Yet another render.


I like it vey much !

Another version, I am kind of stuck, How can I make it look better? Is the color wrong? Does the atmosphere look right?

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Here is another one…

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A close up…

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Another close up.

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look my earth on cycle, for my movie, if you interested.

but you have an good starting earth, use color management to make bette render, and color of earth, and ad glare and flare to make sun, it’s just little base.


Another one render ( click on it to see a higher resolution one)


I deleted the earth material and remade it.

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The attachment does not work. (But all your older images look really good)

Ah sorry, I think I fixed it now.

Looks very realistic! Good work!

blenderd if you want to play around with a gigantic Earth Night ( city lights) i have a 65536x32768 pixel map
it is in 4 pieces

see the thread on this thread on celestialmatters

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JohnVV That is great, but my cloud map is not big enough to use such a high resolution light map, and i would like to keep the file size reasonable. :smiley:

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