Earth in cycles with volumetric atmosphere

One Possible method. Surround you earth with a slightly larger sphere.
Have No surface shader but uses a volumetric shader scatter maybe.
NOTE volumetric shaders are real slow…

I made this real quick in blender render. I made like 8 spheres gradually increasing in size, made them transparent with some fresnel, I think with some work it could make an okay looking earth from a distance. (I’m not considering this method for a photo-realistic earth)

Saw this and had to try it out. After a bit of messing around I found that setting the View option in colour management to ‘film’ gives a very nice Apollo-photograph look and stops the whites blowing out too much:

You just put all my hard work to shame:(

How did you make the clouds? they look very good

How did you do the clouds? Are they using volumetrics?

Hey man, please post your node setup!

Hey blenderd! Thank you so much for the node setup. But I have one question.
How do you apply the material. Is it on to new sphere slightly larger that the earth sphere or is it directly on to the earth sphere?
I am currently trying to use second sphere as the atmosphere but I get hard edges:!btEkWADA!ENjqaEOChTXTUR1tV5Vq-rhUlJN0i1fWl-bsFgXPe30

I have used your exact node setup and only increased the green node (that should represent the earth land level) from 5.005 to 10.005. Any Ideas why I get the hard edge?

EDIT: Nevermind, fixed it. I had to make the atmosphere sphere much larger for the shader to expand and let it fade out. This thread really helped me, thank you so much.