i v put an earth map inage onto a spere
and when i zooom in in my 3D view i cannot see the picture of the map
bu i see it in the preview panel ?
How can see it my 3D view
Tanks & Salutations
i v put an earth map inage onto a spere
and when i zooom in in my 3D view i cannot see the picture of the map
bu i see it in the preview panel ?
How can see it my 3D view
Tanks & Salutations
Turn on potato mode, and subdivide the **** out of your mesh. Or UV Map it.
I don’t think you can see the texture in details unless you render it. But anyway try turning “shaded” on.
I don’t think you can see the texture in details unless you render it.
Yes you can…
for texture mapping to be visible, it has to be UV mapped. For procedurals,
examine the image here That I made. The only two objects in the scene are the sphere and suzanne. Both using internal procedural textures. Notice the VE and FA count: 65749 and 65942. (I could have probably used less, but just showing the point that it’s not worth it).
(Scaled down from original image which was 1920x1200 from a 24" widescreen).
Potato mode what is that ?
UV wrap ?
not sur it can be applied in this case
I using an image that is already coed as a cylindrical map
These maps are simple cylindrical projections, designed to be applied to spheres using spherical projection.
Look at the type of map
Potato mode is textured mode. Go to the drop down on the 3D window tool bar, it has bounding box, wireframe, solid. When you go into texture mode you can see all the UV mapped images on the meshes in the 3D port.
You could UV map the earth textures onto the sphere for that to work. The question is, why would you want to? What good does it do you to see it in the 3D port, unless you are making a game?
I meant the textures that you apply to the material, not the UV. When I turn on potato mode all I can see from these textures is a blury image over my object.
3D View
the main advantage of seing it there is that your are able to turn it as you wish
In the render window - it is not a viewer per say
so to change the view you need to change the location of the camera
and re-render
if this could be done in the 3D with less features then the render view
it would give a faster view of what you are looking at in 3D
a bit like in VRML
many time that’s what i do i simply export it as VRML and look at it in VRML
but it would be easier if blender could use the 3D view as a viewer