Earth/Mars Collision logo *REDONE*

hmm… there is going to be a mars rover competetion in my science class at school, half the class against half the class…
we are to think up a logo and name for our group… I’m going to see if I can print this out, and see what they think…
High Resolution

High Resolution

Very nice looking.
although the light seems kinda sketchy
and the toon render of the impack doesn’t go w/ the realistic render of the earth and mars

I think that those rocks (i think they are rocks) should look like lava or something like that (if you want to make it look realistic) … [professor style]in that kind of collision lava and other stuff would simply burst out[/professor style] :smiley: … I think that its colours should be like explosion colors(red,orange,yellow)…

maybe you shoul mod the eartyh tex and make it look a little more Over killed, like red and charred

I don’t know on which side you are, but I thought Mars was bigger than earth (?) . Good looking picture though, very discriptive.


um… thanks for the suggestions.
wewa, mars is about 1/4 the size of earth, or something like that- look it up!

well guys… I guess this means I have to rerender my picture :frowning: uh oh…

Awesome! My only crit is that the logo is a little confusing. Because the M and the C are outlines, they’re difficult to make out immediately because the snake and sword show through. I’d suggest putting the words against solid black–this just looks cluttered.



What about adding a cloud texture over the earth texture.

I cant remember where i saw that cloud texture. Its a website that has all the solar system textures. I will look and post the link If i can find it.

Even has a better looking mars texture.

Lemme get back with you on that.

Heh, textures and modeling took a LOT of work… so many problems! but so much better a result :slight_smile:

I think the changes I made are pretty obvious… added some water-like substance, did A LOT of changes to the textures :x gah! that took a while! and I just did some miscelaneous other stuff… such and such

Thoughts and comments definately welcome!

I’d be interested in that site you found, for future works*


Awesome. My only crit now is I still think the “atastro” part of “Catastrophe” doesn’t stand out enough. Maybe a partially transparent black background to the word would help it stand out.

The collision looks great.



ok, I fixed the letters!

Looks good.

Good luck on the competition.


heh, what competition? it’s 8th grade :stuck_out_tongue:
who knows, we may have an artist in my group…

Sweet redo…though it doesn’t work aswell as a collision it does look pretty trippy. might look awsome as a wormhole

This competition:

mm… there is going to be a mars rover competetion in my science class at school, half the class against half the class…
we are to think up a logo and name for our group… I’m going to see if I can print this out, and see what they think…
High Resolution



oh, I thought you meant who would get the logo… grr

Yeah, not really a collision, it is more abstract art, I think it looks cool for a logo anyway

Pretty tight, one thing though… I don’t really know, but I always thought Mars was bigger than Earth. I am sorry if I’m wrong.


GAH! I just mentioned that mars was smaller a few posts ago! and no, mars isn’t even big enough to have enough pull to hold an atmosphere… mars is like 1/4 or 1/3 the size of earth!

*nevermind, just looked it up, it is like half the size and diameter…

Well, at least now I’ll know… :expressionless:
