Easier way of getting a strange extrusion from an object?

Hello everybody. I am curious to know if there is an easy way to get strange extrusions from an object. For example, a nice round extrusion from a cube.

I created this object by matching the number of vertices the top face that the cube has with the bottom face of the cylinder. Then I bridged those two edge loops and beveled it. Is there an easier way of doing this sort of thing? Thanks.

you could also do it with subsurf !
or do only 1/4 of it and use mirror X 2

always more then one way to do it !
but depends on what you want to do with it later on - like animation deformation

happy bl

You can also cut a hole in the top of the cube then select all the vertices around edge of the hole (when in edit mode). Once you have the vertices selected Try SHIFT-ALT-S (To Sphere). Drag the mouse to influence the selection set into a spherical shape, in this case, just one dimension so it will become a circle. Once you have a circular hole you can extrude that up as normal or bridge to a cylinder as you previously did.


Boolean modifier. But the topology will be crap.

I like this idea the best. Thanks!