Easiest way to remove object from connected mesh?

So, i have this mesh

All the vertices are conjoined together, the inside is completely hollow.
Consequently, half of the arm and hands and bottom half of the chest are connected to the chest (so just deleting the vertices doesn’t seem to work)

How would I remove the chest and recover/connect the vertices that have been deleted?

Or, if that’s impossible, how can I model this? I never got the hang of concept art, but if anyone would walk me through the steps in which they started to do concept art, I would love to know.


How would I remove the chest and recover/connect the vertices that have been deleted?
With your vague question and no blend file to look at ! Show EXACTLY what you want to do.

Basics tools to split objects
Select vertices and P to seperate into another object
Ctrl+J joins objects
Select all vertices and press W / remove doubles to merge overlapping vertices