Edge damage: geometry nodes


I followed the video tutorial below:

to have damage on the edges with geometry nodes .

I had some doubts about my results (image below)

How can I smooth out the cuts?
How can I make the cuts deeper?
How can I have the cuts further away from each other?
Is it possible to do this on concave edges?


Does anyone know where I can download a chart of “geometry nodes” of: edge damage that is immensely configurable, with lots of controls?


Play around with that noise texture and the math power node, or add some more if you like


Well… it’s essentially showb in the video… play with parameters (like with everything else too…)

So… if you aren’t able to follow this tutorial you might consider:


I found a great edge damage for free.
It has many customizations.
follow link:

Edge Damage Modifier (gumroad.com)


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why this : Edge Damage Modifier which I gave the link does not work in any way ?

In cubes they work great, but in rectangles it doesn’t work.
follow image :

Is there any preparation before applying the damage?


Did you apply scale?

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I’ve already tested everything.
it doesn’t even work.

From your image, I don’t understand what “doesn’t work” even looks like - looks deformed to me.

In the image, the cube has more details than the rectangle.
the configuration is the same.

Which seems to indicate it does work, you just don’t know how to use it properly (which is an important distinction).

There doesn’t appear to be any special requirements. Just adjust the settings (and keep correct scale).

Plus, you can actually open the node tree and see how it works for yourself.


the problem was with the : remesh voxel aumont .
You have to leave it immensely high.

another problem :
after applying : mesh edge damage .
How can I apply this geometry nodes graph (image below) to the mesh without deforming the previous operation (edge ​​damage)?

is a displacement graph to apply relief to the mesh through several procedural maps mixed with the node: MIX.
I would like to insert one graph into another
