Edge Loop Problem with Subsurf Modelling

Hi there,

it may sound stupid, but I still got this problem when using Edge Loops and a subsurfed Object. For example, i got a subsurfed cube and want do add details to it. I would now start to add Edge Loops to the areas i need more detail. But here comes the problem, the subsurfed shape changes, which is quite logical. Now my question: is there any possibility to add loops and details without changing the subsurfed shape?

To visualise it more, here a screenshot.

Perhaps focus on getting your shape before adding the subsurface modifier, so you have less verts to move around. I would start with an approximation of the form and go from there. you might try using a subdivided cube and using a “to sphere” from the tool box.

Apply the Subsurf modifier and then start adding your detail?

The answer here is yes and no.

No because edgeloops change the flow of the mesh thus changing the math for the SubD modifier

Watch this video for more detail

It is possible to accomplish your goal here. This is assuming that your goal is to retain the spherical shape while still having verts to work with. If this is true you should try the subdivide smooth command found under the “W” menu while in edit mode. This will give you a more spherical shape to work with and add workable resolution.

Its important to remember that if you want a certain shape, then your mesh must resemble that shape before any subD