Edge Loop Select in 2.56


In prior versions I was able to select an edge loop with a short cut but now it does not seem to work. I also tried creating a custom short cut in the user prefernces but that does not seem to work either.

I’m on a Mac OSX (latest)
Blender 2.56a
I’m using a wacom tablet
I have Emulate 3 Button Mouse selected


i believe you just press Alt+RMB on the loop you want selected

Like a number of things I’m discovering inm 2.56a, this does not work if you have swapped input to the left button. The Timeline, Dopesheet and Graph Editor also ignore the switch to left button, and some function simply don’t work because of it.

With ALT + Right Click on the edge in between 2 vertex should select the edge loop. If there is no real edge loop, the edge loop will not be selected (and will mean that the topology is awkward somewhere if it is not completely symmetrical). Make sure there are no overlapped or duplicated lone edges upon your selection and use Wireframe mode (button Z in Edit Mode) to see through and make a more precise selection if needed or if you have difficulties selecting what you want. That’s all what I can say.

Edit: I always forget that not everybody runs MacOS with non-apple keyboards, heh…

the mesh was a basic cube with a loop cut. I flipped back to right mouse input and it works. Same goes for the the animation windows. I’d say this is a bug.