Edge Offset

Howdy, I’m trying to offset some mesh edges but in certain areas it goes a little bizzare, see image:

I’m currently using offset from Edit Mesh Tools, but have also tried Alt-S method.

If this is the way it is then ok, but is there a trim two edges tool?


Using GG (edge slide) helps a lot to fix this by hand (without trim)

No, that is not avoidable, speciall with at points with inwards angle or curves when pointing into other geometry.
Maybe inkscape can do so and then import that svg in blender.

You could try it with this method, maybe it works for you: Edge Offset

Thank-you, but I tried and it wasn’t pretty and wasn’t accurate.

I’m not sure about doing it accurately with InkScape but I may try LibreCAD.


Maybe try skin and solidify modifiers - whacky but sometimes…

I’ve just started working back through my process to get here, it was a while ago and done late out of frustration of not being able to get FlatCAM to run on upgraded OS.

Basically from KiCAD PCB layout I exported Gerbers (.gbr), then opened in GerbV and exported straight back out as SVG, and then into Blender.

From there I believe I had the lines as curves (they weren’t tracks yet) and I gave them a Bevel of a set size, set the Bevel Resolution to 0. Next I converted to a Mesh object and deleted everything above and below the zero plane. Then on to manual editing to join each line segment and pad outlines.

I’m not good enough coder or mathematician to put this to good use but wondered if the process may help others integrate it into the code? :laughing:

Also wondered if there was a way to detect overlaps by testing if new connected segments intersected, then to use the GG type method to iteratively extend back until not intersecting??? LOL sounds easy…

Thanks @KAUSTIK I’ll look into it, I’ve not used Solidify modifier much.

I’ve just had a play in InkScape and it appears when using Path Outset to offset it changes the handle types and introduces some odd curves. Then converting handles en masse to try to rectify just makes things worse…

This may be due to me and my svg export script…?