I modeled this sword :
Sword.blend (560 KB)
When I rendered it our for the first time, it appeared to have lines running diagonally across every face?!
I have no idea what is going on!!
I modeled this sword :
Sword.blend (560 KB)
When I rendered it our for the first time, it appeared to have lines running diagonally across every face?!
This is how things work.
When you render mesh it is internally triangulated, no escape here. Then there are face normals which dictate how light gets reflected and it might happen that some faces reflect more to the camera than others - some do look lighter when rendered.
Now comes the modeling part - if you look dead front of your weapon you will discover it’s not so precisely done; you need to zoom in a bit for that. Subdivide diagonally sword’s blade part which shows different colors. While doing this in edit mode switch on Face Normals on N panel and make them quite a bit long. Observe angles - they are slightly different on these triangles because of mentioned imprecision of modeling. This is where different color (brightness) comes in.
Thankyou so much! I ended up remodeling it more precisely, then adding an edge split modifier, then a subdivide modifier to the blade and the handle. Works perfectly! Thanks heaps!