Edges of my model appear sharp even though I smoothed them using shade smooth

Do you have auto smooth normals turned on? It looks like you might. If not, you can recalculate normals with Shift N in Edit Mode

auto smooth is off and also face orientation is correct

Hi @Ahsan_Z,

try adding a WeightedNormals modifier:


with Keep Sharp NOT checked, to that mesh. It needs to be after any subdivision Modifier you are using, if the modifier stack is otherwise empty you can Apply it.


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You might have additional embedded vertex normals, take a look at the Geometry Data tab. You can clear the existing ones in that tab.

just tried but issue is still there unfortunately

Do you happen to be using Blender 3.1.1 and a subdivision surface modifier? There was a bug with this that I believe is fixed in 3.1.2


am actually using 3.0

I cant vouch that this is the answer, especially without knowing how you have your nodes set up, but i have had a similar issue before.

For me the problem was 2 things, having my Normal Map node plugged into the Displacement socket on the Material Output node and having the image Texture node with my normal map set to the sRGB ‘Color Space.’ So my recommendations, if it is the same problem you can test it just by unplugging any normal map nodes you have and seeing if the issue is still present.

For me, i fixed the problem by having the Normal Map node plugged into the Normal Input on the Principled BSDF Instead of being plugged into the Displacement on the Material Output.

Ontop of this i made sure that the Normal Map Image Texture, has its color space set to ‘Non-Color’ instead of sRBG. That fixed the issues for me, so those may help you.

No, I don’t have any normal map in nodes nor displacement. Its just Principle BSDF with white color

yeah then im not sure. Maybe its overlapping Geometry, so have you tried merge by distance. Maybe create a normal Sphere in your Environment with Smooth Shading, see if it persists on that, or whether its only that object in particular.

Remove the Material outright aswell, or unplug it just to see whether in some form its the Principle Node not playing nice. Maybe try a basic Diffuse BSDF instead for this test.