Edges visible after baking textures

Wow JA12! Sorry! I didn’t realize I couldn’t use the richness of the written language to express emotions and different situations. I didn’t know that I had to use plain, boring, unpersonal and mostly it-seems-like-a-robot-is-writing-this writing in a forum where creativity is a fundamental value.

That said, I don’t care at all about your advices on my way of writing, it is the very first time that someone complains about it after 25 years writing in forums, and I just don’t feel like you being the first one that I will be listening to :slight_smile: But hey!! Thanks for trying! KEEP IT UP! :slight_smile: :*

That said, @chameleonscales, I want to export it from Cycles because I like the result of my renders much more in Cycles than internal. As I need to bake it, I want to get the full-render bakiing so that the final texture (shadows+AO+texture+…) looks as realistic as possible, and in BI I just can’t get such a nice result :confused:

Anyway, I can’t get it exporting even 1 texture from cycles (I am not trying to export more than 1, so that shouldn’t be a problem, should it?).


Perfectly fine. I wrote the reasons behind the comment in the previous post to let you know that there were some, you can ignore it in any way you like. People don’t give direct feedback in normal interactions, and on a forum it’s even simpler because one can opt to not read and close the tab, which is very easy. And they do that for various reasons, like: title wasn’t interesting to them so didn’t even open the thread, too much text (TL:DR), they didn’t understand, don’t even want to understand, but there is a reason.

Not that it has visible implications, unless no one answers. Not an actual problem on a big forum. Users not knowing what information they need to post is, which is fixable with simple instructions similar to Blender bug tracker.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Now, can we go back to the subject of this thread please? It is already quite confusing for a small intelligence like mine, so I would like to keep it focused on the fact that some people say that you can export textures from Cycles if only 1 image is used, somepeople say that you have to go to Blender Internal and then back to Cycles, some people say that you just can’t do it… I still couldn’t find an unifying answer :confused:

Anyone out there? :rolleyes:

Well I’ve told all I know. Also I still don’t know why it’s so important that you do it in Cycles.

Because the result of the render that I get in Cycles is much better and much faster to get than the one I get in Blender Internal. It’s a production environment, so timing is critical in that way.

When texturing don’t overthink it, it is far too easy to overthink it and the results will be low res or a giant waste of memory. Think of your original mesh as the brainstorm and now you have too many faces to deal with. Focus on 1 room/hallway and bake that, reuse it. Make new walls and large UVs that cover around 8 or so feet.

From there if you need more texture variation start over with a new room. Reuse old UVs if you want to save time. Think small then build big.

I thought doing it as you said, the problem is that there are walls everywhere, and not always in the same place. If you go along a wall, you will find other walls that are not in the opposite side of the room, and those walls have other intersection with more walls too… At the end, it is too different to try making it reusable :frowning:

I was not talking about the baking but the obj exportation. Why not bake in Cycles, then if you have more than 1 texture make the material in Blender Internal and then export the obj ?

About the original “edges visible after baking” problem, have you tried increasing the texture’s resolution and sample count ?

Hummm that’s a nice walk around that I must absolutely try. So you mean: I bake the full-render in Cycles, export the baked texture, apply it in Blender Internal as a material with texture, and then export to OBJ from there, right?

Yes, I have tried increasng the resolution, but thos edges are still visible no matter what I do, and that is very very strange, I can’t get rid of them… :confused:

rayjaken Again you should clean your geometry, remove doubles and avoid intersecting planes