I am using blender 2.93 (oficial binary in linux if matters), and in some older version of blender i could create a primitive, lets say a cylinder, and change by example number of sides, i was supposed to press F9 for past operation, but the panel appears with the parameters of the object but i can’t change any (it is all greyed), someone can say if the option to change was removed in new versions? And if was removed, there is any way to change the defaults for a object, so at least it is created the way i want? lets say ‘add cylinder’ command always add a 32 sided, what becomes trouble in topology when i to make union.
Never used F9, just tested (2.93.0 on linux), for me it gives me move or delete, but if i just add another mesh for ex. cylinder again, ther are the old values… (maybe have to open the Add Cylinder Tab/Properites (whatever) )…
Now i got it, It is all about my workflow, as i always use keyboard shortcuts for most of things, i don’t use the left menu called with “T” , so when i create a mesh with shortcut Shift+A , add mesh etc. My tab properties shows only ‘Select Box options’ because is the default button on the “T” menu and does not change if i create a mesh with shortcuts.
But if i click in the Add sphere icon in the left menu, i can change parameters in the tab properties before starting to draw the mesh in the viewport, but once the mesh is in viewport, changing numbers in the tab will not affect the actual mesh, only the next one. I will keep the topic opened a little in case someone have another sugestion or info, but for now i will use the icon to change my defaults as needed.