editing program?

Do you know a good editing program were you can edit your Blender animations? Put together sound whit the animation? It is bad that you cant save the sound file and video file whit Blenders editing program in to the same file.

I wish you could keep sound with animations in blender…

Sure you can, at least with the 2.42 Linux version ( what? you don’t use it! Frankly)
Choose FFMpeg in the codecs box and in the Sound panel enable Multiplex Audio

You can use VirtualDub to sync the audio and video in one file (www.virtualdub.org).

Did FFMPEG support make it into the windows version of 2.43? That’s gonna make the sequencer a rocking video editor (plus adding the ability to mess with the nodes as well will really allow a ton of creativity - if I can just get the time to learn how it all works! :slight_smile: )

I don’t think it’s going to. RC1 doesn’t come with the DLLs and even if you grab them (I got them from jms’s site) and put them on Blender’s dir, ffmpeg remains absent from the output formats list.

the last build’s from www.blenderbuilds.com come with FFMPEG

“Hello again! I just finished some builds that includes FFMPEG and Bullet2 (the newest version of the physics library) as well as the latest added feature - Render Baking.”


Try Windows Movie Maker… !!

Try Linux Linux Linux

Sure. Because if there is ONE thing Linux is known for … it’s the large volume of high quality video editing applications. :rolleyes:

Please tell me you’re joking! Is there any reason someone would want to be stuck in WMV Land? :confused: :rolleyes:

Yeah, like Nucoda, Smoke, Houdini, Nuke, Piranha, Shake… But who uses crap like that? :smiley:

yeah, and what about flame and inferno while you’re there? (Now where’d my spare $500,000 go?!)

Try Avid free from www.avid.com It has it’s limitations, but it’s the best free (and cheap) editor around

Wax, Zwiestein, Jahshaka, for free applications.
If you have some money to spend there is a very good reason sony bought “Vegas” video editing. Very, Very good reason, but what would they know?

Video Editing is great, but 3DSMax 4 (the last time I used it) had built in Video editing for syncing sound and producing a movie/video with sound. As far as I have seen blender cannot. I may be wrong (please tell me I am).

You are.


Thanks mzungu. I wanted to know that I’m worng after so long using blender…

I used to swear by Cinelerra, but I’ve been really impressed with the latest version of Kdenlive. It’s a multi-track video editor that can move clips around with fuss (including image sequences), and has a ton of convenient input & output formats. It also integrates well with audacity & gimp for image & still editing. It’s now my favorite editor on Linux for no-fuss editing.

It still needs a color corrector, though.