editing "SHIFT + D" duplicates ??

hi guys, i’m new here. I have searched the databases for info, but.
anyway the question…

ok i have a UVsphere 16segmentsX16rings, and i duplicate that object in object mode using “shift D”.
I then scale the newly formed UVsphere and the go into edit mode.
i box select the bottom half of the new sphere and " X remove vertices"
both the new and the old objects are affected ??.
Ok, so i read somewhere that you sometimes get IPO’s mixed up with objects that are duplicated, and to remove it via “shift F6 set single user”.

Is this right, and does it affect the addition and application of materials afterwards ?. Please explain what is happening.

And why does this behavior happen in the first place ?.

Keith White.
blender convert.

The problem results from the settings in the user preferences window ( ! icon).
In user preferences go to the Edit Methods buttons and check the Mesh button on the right.
If it is unchecked you make a linked copy of your mesh with Shift+D, meaning every manipulation of the mesh data of the copy affects the original.
If the Mesh button is checked you make a non linked duplicate.

To get a linked copy with these settings use Alt+D instead of Shift+D.

thanks, that got it.
trying to do the lattice deformation tut with eyes but couldn’t
understand the behavior.
