Editing Vertex Groups

1: I make a Vector Group in Modeling.
2: Then go to Geometry Nodes to put Instances on the Vector Group.
3: I test out the distribution of the Instance and want to edit the Vector Group.
4: I go back to Modeling to edit the Vector Group but I am unable to save the changes as it always reverts back to the original form.
- Also, there is only a wire frame and not the faces that were present during the creation of the original Vector Group.
5: The only way I see to use the edited vector group is to make a new one.

Is this proper?
Do I have to remake a new Vector Group to edit?

I’m assuming you mean Vertex groups. If so, then no… you edit them in Edit Mode by using the Assign, Remove buttons and you set the value with the Weight slider (in the Object Data panel). Alternatively you can edit them in Weight Paint mode… You select the Vertex Group you want to paint in the Object Data panel.


Good luck.


dOHHHHHH Vertex! It was first thing in the morning.

I think I understand about Assigning and the data panel layout. What I’m saying is

4: I go back to Modeling to edit the Vector Group but I am unable to save the changes as it always reverts back to the original form.

  • Also, there is only a wire frame and not the faces that were present during the creation of the original Vector Group.

I should have mentioned that I click Assign as I edit but the changes are not saved to the current “Vertex” Group. So I must be missing something.

I originally made the Vertex Group in Modeling using the Circle Select on faces. As I stated, when I go back to edit the Vertex Group there is a wireframe (seen per previous attachment) but not the faces on the model that existed when I originally made the vertex group. The only way I see to get that is to start all over.

I’m sure it is a simple solution.

Is there an advantage to using Weight Paint as opposed to the face selection that I used?
Can they be used interchangeably and are you suggesting I do so?

Yes… you have to use “Select” to see what vertices are already in the group… you have to Remove any vertices you don’t want… just selecting vertices and clicking Assign will not clear other vertices.

It’s more obvious what vertices are in the group and what their weight is - at a glance.

Yes, and yes.

Good luck.

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I click select, then ctrl+i to invert the selection, now everything I don’t want is selected. Then I add to the selection more things I don’t want, then I click the remove button. Then deselect everything and click the select button to check what is in the vertex group.

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OK, so I have to use the REMOVE button?
I have been pushing down on the Scroll Wheel which deletes the selections. Then I click Assign…This is not working…
So you guys are saying I need to “select” what I “don’t want” using ctrl+i then the “remove”. Then assign?
So, if I want to then add a face to a Group I simply click the face then assign and that change will be saved tot he group?

I still wonder why and would like to be able to edit a Group with the faces showing as in this example and not over a wireframe. For one thing it is much easier to see the faces. What am I missing?


How did you record your screen so I can show you what I am doing and you can tell me why it doesn’t work for me? I tried some online screen recorder and couldnt get it to work…I’m about to break something here!!!
The onlhy thing tha tworks for me is to make a new Vertex Grup from my edits.
The thing is I was making vertex groups and editing them and just up;dating by clicking assign and it was working fine… all of a sudden it doesn’tr work!

OK, weifght paint is just adding anpther learning facotr. I just want to selecyt individual faces like I was doing yesterday before everythign changed. I was able select faces and deselect faces individually. Click assign and have the changes saved to that group. Something changed. Whether weight paint or selecting faces the only way I can save changes is if I create a new group using the changes. When I use weight paint the areas I already have selected do not show up in red as they do for you. thbe whole model shows blue with no previous selections and only the painting. There is something else wrong. Apparently I can not use circle select and paint interchangeably. There is something else wrong. there is a setting soemwhere or something. What I was doing with the circle selcet and scroll whell dselect was working fine and should work fine. Something changed.
Tell me:
If I select a face with circle select and assign that single face to a group then come back later and add another face to my selection of faces and click assign…shouldn’t that second face be assigned to that group? Wouldn’t the same hold true if I had two faces and deselected one.

Deselect everything then select the unwanted area and click remove.

You are making a selection, assigning, unselecting part and assigning it again. Assign = Add to. Not replace.

Remember you can do things like make an edge vertex group, or a not here vertex group and then jump to them and click remove while working on another vertex group. Then jump back (click on) the one you are working on.

You can also make groups and hide those faces so they dont annoy you while trying to do something else.

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Seems just as easy or easier to just create a new group. I just can’t put logic behind the Selecting the deselected part then removing the selected deselected part.
Now, nothing is working for me. Now the exact same Node tree I had yesterday and this morning will not work. I’ve tried over and over and the instance will not conform to the Vertex group. I’m starting to feel like I have to reinstall blender or some plugin is messing with me. I’m going to try again later when my blood pressure comes down!!!

Blood pressure down a little.
The step to add the Vertex Group under Modifiers was missing from my notes.
I still think the way to save an edit to a vortex group is illogical but I can work with what makes more sense to me by just creating a replacement group after edit. Maybe it will make sense to me one day.

I appreciate all the help from this forum. It is better than others.
I should be good to go now

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There are others?

and yeah I wish there was an “overwrite group contents” button to save having to create a new group entry and delete the old one.

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