Editing vertex sequence

this may have already been asked, but i could not find it.
Is there a way to edit the sequence of vertices in a path? I am trying to make an object follow a path, but when I parent it to the path it always gets parented to the same spot on the path. I am not sure exactly why blender chooses that spot, but I suspect it has something to do with the path’s vertex sequence. If there is a way to change the sequence of vertices on a path or to have the object start at a different point on the path please let me know.

You could trying going into edit mode of the curve and then hit W > switch direction.

It’s getting parented to the object center. For example, make a path, relocate it in edit mode, then go to object mode. You can see the parent link to the object center which is now nowhere near the object.

You can move the object center by setting cursor position and then selecting “center cursor” on the mesh tab of the buttons panel.


Thanks for your responces,

unfortunately switching direction does not seen to have the desired effect, and Lynda’s method only seems to work for meshes.

Is there any other way do this?

It’s working for me with curves.
Get your curve and your object set up. Set up the parent relationship.
Now go to object mode, relocate the cursor, select your object of choice, and use “center cursor” for the object you want recentered. It should work for meshes and curves both.


thanks Lynda,
my problem is that when you turn on CurvePath in the edit buttons for the curve the object that is parented to the curve is always parented to the same place in the curve for frame 1. Just so you know my curve is complete or cyclic and I am using Blender version 2.44.