This is amazing news indeed! I’m wondering what new additions and changes we will be seeing. I’m with wysiwyg on this one though, should probably be in News.
This is good news. I’d love to see some way of running the VSE via nodes, for stuff like grading from the timeline. Don’t know if that’s possible. I’ll grab the popcorn for this one anyway.
If you wanted an effect, or a number of custom effects to run over x amount of sequences you’d just add an adjustment sequence that spans those clips and it would effect them all.
It would be useful for finger grading and for introducing certain effects to sequences. Like vignette, or if nodes could be linked to an adjustment sequence you could do quite advanced effects to do with all of the filter nodes, but in the sequencer.
EDIT: Most of all though I’m looking forward to a proper compositing environment I.e. 2D canvas, with 3D capabilities and near real-time speed with OpenCL acceleration.
This may be a little out-there, but I’d like to see a GPU accelerated biased renderer. Sure, Cycles is great, but you need a biased renderer for things like noiseless images in a decent amount of time.
I know that they will post audio outside of Blender, BUT I wish they would fix ffmpeg and it’s weirdo way of muxing audio and making preset files (that rarely play elsewhere).