Edo Magic, beware some wip nudity :)

Looks quite nice nad it does’t suffer from over inflated boob syndrome as my current project does. The only thing I would do is maybe add a little detail to the abs, but it is hard to say with out seeing the complete model yet. What is the face count anyway?

:smiley: That’s great!
Why can people model bodies and heads and etc… and I can’t even model a stupid head?
It’s coming along very nicely, just keep it up… 8)
If you’re trying to make the neck as long as in the anime… no prob… :slight_smile:




Desoto-111: sorry the neck will not be changed I like it, :slight_smile: thanks for the c&c dude

LOST&FOUND: I hear ya, and I’m working on it.

Fred_Pyo: thanx :wink:

gtg can’t do anthing else today Oo

That is some incredable work, if only I could do detail like that. How long have you been modeling in 3d? Any chance you could post a wire of one of the objects?

Whoa! Excellent!!
Can’t wait your movie!! :smiley:

Beautiful work. Everything looks perfect. I have to agree with S68 about the low polyness. I can’t beleive you are getting this nice detail with only that many poly’s.

Just great stuff.


SWEEEET! :smiley:

I love the feet and the swords…

Une Q: Is it me or the back part of the hair is just plain flat… it looks much simpler than the strands designed for the front part…

A beauty! one …opinion: don’t like the toe nails :slight_smile: questions: are you using a character sheet?; if so, did you draw it or you’re using a “known” character?

LOST&FOUND: :slight_smile: I’ve been modeling in blender sents before the
Ckey thing, Oo thats been a long time…

Yamyam: :wink: thanks man!

BgDM: I can assure you that the poly count is acurate, remmember
this is a sub D model and I’ve been modeling in 3d for a long time.

Fred_Pyo: the back of the hair is kinda flat “~” I’m fixing it now,
might add more detal to it later…

Cativo: nice to hear from you, I’m not using character sheet just some
inspirational manga otherwise it’s completely origional

heres some wires, the low polies almost look like game models hmm,
well enjoy…



Very nice feet & ‘shoes’ or whatever their japanese name is

Katana is also very well modeled.

I find feet nails funny, they seems applied over the fingers, not protuding from the fingers.

Unless of course the are applied and they are a special ninja foot claw weapon :slight_smile:


her ears fall down, the pointed part of it should be a little higher

well depend how old is she?
if older than 18 than it’s ok…if not…well no!!!

lol joking…if you think it can offend someone just put some black strip over the nipple :stuck_out_tongue: or add a t-shirt!!

It look great! keep it up!

Can’t wait to see it finish![/quote]

Auctually the law is quite fuzzy around this area… But as long as it is not too detailed you should be alright. I would edit the title to have some sort of warning to be safe.

…Anyway, nice model original concept, look, and what not. I look foreward to seeing what you have planned for her body.[/quote]

It is not and even if it is, I say post it, fucked the Communist.

Can you make a portfolio on your creation ? I would like to know how you pull this stuff off :slight_smile:

varg black: I will probably change the ears later but for now I like them

Al_Capone: I’m doing something like that right here :stuck_out_tongue: thx dude

S68: I hear ya man, but I like nails :wink:

ok heres and update I’m done with yins body I just got to do the hands…


Dude, that is some pretty smokin armour you got there!!! This is going to be an awesome project when you are finished, i cant wait to see!!!

I also hope you are going all the way, with rigging and animation, because i will seriously beat you if you dont!!! hehe :wink:

Awesome work, look forward to more!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

PS: Where in BC are you, im in Sicamous (very small town), its between Revelstoke and Kamloops…

hey wait a minute! I was using that quote! ‘blend on, and blend well’
ah man… J/k
anyway, REALLY sweet stuff you have rollin there, lookin pretty cool…

You’ll see that iv been using “Blend on, and blend well!!!” since i joined Elysiun… which was 09 Apr 2002, check all posts by Bapsis to verify this, its on every one. Maybe your nick should be DMCopyCat!!! hehe :wink:
I hand type it every message, gotten quite fast… hehe :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

its very nice! the armour is pretty kool! keep on

That is looking awesome hanzo!
Can’t wait to see how Yin fits into the armor! :smiley:

(With such a low polycount as you have it must be so easy to modify her, i like it! Now I see how you all get to do such awesome work… :wink: )

Hanzo, this is looking fantastic! Can’t wait to see how this armour turns out. There’s so much potential for some really nice interesting and detailed textures on that armour too.