Eevee cloud test

Hey @Steah!
Thank you very much for this demo! I’ve gave it a close inspections and I’ve determined that my bigger issue on Resilience Satelle is the volumetric start and end values :neutral_face:

So, I’ve replaced your scene with similar light from RS and this was the result (same thing as you, 100 to 300 meters range, just using Real-Sky lights):

Then I’ve started playing with the range and set it up from a 10 to 300 meters and finally the RS world range 10 to 22000 meters:

As you can see, on such a big range, the volumetrics just become some kind of mist that becomes very hard to get any vibrant light what so ever :thinking:

Also the densities have to go real down, on my clouds on 10 by 10 meters cube I can have densities of Value: 3.0 and they look gorgeous!
This is how they look on a 10 by 10 meters cube, very controllable and gorgeous, I can do anything with these clouds, I’m using an hand painted map to give them any color I want:

And the exact same thing (It’s an instance of the first one) but scaled up to a 1000 by 1000 meters domain:

So, to bring it to usable results, I need to lower the clouds densities to Value: 0.2:

…But then, as you can see, all the vibrant color that they had on the 10 by 10 meters cube, gets all washed up on the 1000 by 1000 meters one :sob: If I increase just a bit more the density it explodes again to the above look. This is at the very frontier of happening.

So my biggest issue with Eevee clouds is that they don’t appear to work for big landscapes and the Resilience Satelle main island has 1200 by 1200 meters and the entire world 40000 by 40000 meters.

Also important, the volumes, as far I know, don’t cast shadows.