EEVEE Development updates ( EEVEE-Next )

Is your system compatible with it? (Feels like I read you were on a hackintosh at some point)

If Blender is now only supporting ARM Macs, then that could be a problem. For all intents and purposes, I’m running on an iMac Pro 18-core Intel clone. Should be interesting to see if Blender 4.2 becomes ARM SoC-only compatible.

I’m not aware of any plans to drop intel/mac support

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I think Apple’s plan to push Blender development on the Mac shows some fruits. However, I don’t think the Mac will be always ahead with Eeves. Also, there are tons of bugs. For example, I shut down my Mac like 2 times a year, but since testing 4.1 I had about 10 system crashes with Blender.

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Test with Eevee Next 4.2:


some weird reflections going on in Eevee-Next, a simple test scene:

compare reflections in Eevee:

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I hadn’t noticed this before but just ran into it… anyone know if Eevee Next improves on this?

Appears to work fine in Eevee Next.


Fantastic! :+1:

Anyone have any review to share about Eevee Next in 4.2 so far?

Hard shadows have improved quite a bit in the past few weeks. My initial tests there (with the new builds) are quite positive, and they look in some places better than Eevee. Took a lot of time and Dev work to get us there, but was worth the strong effort.

Shader compilation speed currently a big issue. One scene I’ve tested takes Eevee around 40 seconds to open and compile, while Next takes nearly 4 mins to do the same. Shaders also appear to be re-compiling when changing basic settings in a material, such as the transfer used in a Mix node - we’re talking 2-4 second pauses with each change, so in this regard Next isn’t ready for release in the slightest.

Devs are looking into compilation problems, so I’m not feeling discouraged about this bit yet.

Shader to RGB has some odd artifacts happening. Have reported as a bug, bug was confirmed.


It gets a little stranger though, for those who do not read devtalk Clement chimes in noting that this is actually a rare case of Nvidia’s drivers not being objectively superior to what AMD and Intel puts out.

Now that means they have to do optimization earlier than expected because this impacts everyone except maybe the 3 people who use Radeon or Arc cards instead (outside of MacOS).

I don’t think that speaks to some limitation of nVidia vs AMD, rather that the code wasn’t written and optimized for the most-used professional video card on the planet.

Clement himself is using an AMD gpu, which I found a bit surprising. Nonetheless, makes it more understandable that I am seeing compilation problems that he wasn’t.

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I’m a bit confused, it seems to be a regression (I guess it’s temporal) in reflection calculations. Old 4.2 fixed it at some point but last builds get it wrong again as you can see in the water:

Latest (04/04/24):




i hope they finish eevee next first before they start working on this npr engine


EEVEE-side features

  • Light linking.
  • Self-Shadows.
  • Depth offset.
  • Light nodes.

I dont do NPR, but what would be also useful for PBR/stylized.

I think these would be just ported features from eevee for the engine?

There are no concrete plant, just ideas, but those would be regular eevee features.

And that engine would be customizable step inbetween eevee render and compositing. So more or less like post-processing effect on top of eevee, with stuff that it required like list above directly integrated in eevee.

Sounds like an engine to make stuff as seen in the Spider-verse

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