EEVEE Development updates ( EEVEE-Next )

The initial release of EEVEE-Next is currently planned for the 4.0 release. Additional features will be added throughout the lifetime of the 4 series.

Main features currently implemented:

  • Virtual Shadowmapping: Increases shadow resolution and maximum sharpness while keeping relatively low memory footprint.
  • Subsurface Scattering: New algorithm that eliminate light leaking between objects and supports per pixel radius.
  • High Light count support: Lights are now efficiently culled and there is virtually no limits to the maximum number of lights in a scene.
  • Motion Blur: Now supports shutter curve.
  • Grease Pencil Object support: Grease pencil object are now treated as any other geometry and fully compatible with the shading pipeline.
  • Shading: Arbitrary number of BSDFs are now supported without major performance impact. Raytracing and SSS is no more restricted to one BSDF node.
  • Thickness output: This is a new output which control the thickness for translucency, refraction and volume shader.
  • Renderpass: All passes are rendered at once and do not need multiple geometry passes (except cryptomatte).

You can check out the link to see other features set for the initial release.


Damn. I was hoping it was going to be in 3.5. Or at least 3.6. Don’t get me wrong, I want them to take the time to do it right, but also I want that time to be over with already.

I would especially like this ^.


3.6 is the last version in the 3x line, right?


Yep, 3.6 LTS:


At least we won’t have to wait TOO long for 4.0 then. I want my Eevee Next Now!


I was looking for something like that! Where did you find it?


Grease pencil integration and “thickness output”, I’ve waited 3 years for the GP full integration, what’s 8 more months? I’m so glad this is on the roadmap and has a possibility to come out this year! Amazing! Congratulations to the Blender developing team!


Same, I have been waiting for more Eevee update news since Blender first announced that Eevee will be getting some big changes in January 2021’s news post

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Excited for the end of this year for 4.0 to come out with Eevee Next :slight_smile:

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Does anyone know how many Blender devs are working on this feature compared to how many devs would probably be working on a similar feature over at autodesk/adobe/maxon/Epic/Nvidia/Pixar/Foundry?

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There’s currently one developer working on Eevee Next. I would imagine there would be at least 50 at a company, but half of those would be pointless middle managers


A lot more. I would guess its usually 5-30 people.
Currently on eevee-next is working mostly Clement, with some help of Jeroen with vulkan etc. and those guys from apple for Metal.

In comparsion:
Lumen were done by 4 people and took 2 years until was made public two years ago.
Epic have around 140 employees in total, but they have a lop Fortnite and Launcher, support etc. So for rendering part my guess would be 12-30 people?

For RAGE (RDR2 engine) upgrade (they used previous work as starting point) worked 28 programmers, and rdr2 development took 8 years. - its not precise cause not everyone worked full time during development and they also worked after release.


It’s not one feature so much as a re-write of the entire render engine, and nearly all of it by one dev so that does put things in perspective. Like most things in Blender, it’ll be done when it’s done. I’m just excited.


I guess it was mostly Clement alone up to some point, but if you see the module’s recent activities (meeting notes, developer weekly reports, PR/commits) currently most module members are contributing to EEVEE Next. Notably Miguel Pozzo is working on SSS and volume rendering for it.


Oh, cool! Last time I checked it was still more or less Clement by himself but I’m glad to hear they’ve dedicated more resources to the module.

Does anyone know if Eevee next will get improvement in shader-compile time?
I thought I read something somewhere but I’m not sure anymore


It seems like a lot of planned features for Eevee Next didn’t make it over to the new task after the Gitea migration- there’s no mention of screen-space global illumination, for example, which worries me a bit. I’d be very sad if that is no longer planned


Appears as if they are going for a minimum viable product approach for screen space effects in Blender 4.0. I assume that the extended target “HiZ raytracing optimization” is about global illumination?!

In my opinion that makes a lot of sense. This is such a massive change under the hood and there are going to be so many issues that need to be fixed (vendor specific, driver specific, …). Adding global illumination on top of that as official goal would be a bit much in my view.


i’m sure motion blur shutter curve is useful for matching certain cameras for compositing, but what i’d really love is to see motion blur in the viewport. does anyone know if that’s still on the table?