Eevee id mask

Hi guys.

Is there alternative way to isolate objects (similar to id mask / cryptomatte) in Eevee compositor, because I see it does not have that pass capability in passes section.
I planned to add different blur to different objects in the scene though compositor.

thanks in advance

Maybe render on different layers?
From what I saw in 2.80, you create new layers with the + just aside the “View layer” on the top right of Blender. I would add one layer for slightly blurred objects, another for very blurred objects, etc. Then you select one layer and in the compositor you can exclude compositions from it (with the E key or right click > view layer > set exclude), do the same on the other layers you created.
Blender should now render several layers, and on the compositing editor, you’ll be able to add several “Render layer” input corresponding to your layers.

That is probably not the best solution, but that’s the way I would to it. Hopefully someone else will answer, with a better solution ^^

Hi Milan,

as Rore already said… Layers.

Great, thanks guys for solution that’s it :slight_smile:

This solution make dificult to modify objects one in front of others. for example in my image I’m triying to get just the middle cube but in another layer I cant position it betwen the others.

I saw some work around rendering with workbench using flat lightning and random colors that maybe can be used to key the particular color of that object. What do you think?

You could try using the depth data, combined with a color ramp in the compositor to make a mask of the object closest to camera.