Eevee is better than you (may) think

…well hell. I love these situations where I have the obvious sitting right in front of me, yet I do endless amounts of fruitless research, and go through all these convoluted steps to try to achieve an effect that was just a simple slider pull away.

Thanks! :smiley:

Okay, now that I know about the blend feature, I can probably tighten things up a good bit. I gotta head out right now, but I’ll post the results of my experiments later on tonight.

Also, I’ll turn off the fog, since it’s kinda distracting from the lighting.

It turns out I don’t have to leave until 2:30, so I crammed, and did my tweaks.

I’m not going to post which is which. There are differences between the two which you probably pick out when they’re sitting side by side, but in any normal situation, you’d be hard pressed to tell which is which.


Is that bloom? Maybe do one without bloom.

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Oh crap. That gives it away.

…hold on. I’ll fix it.

We are going back to 90s?

Jesus man! You freaking nailed matching the two. I kind of think I can pick out the differences but not sure. :slight_smile:

I want to say Eevve top?

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I see you dropped the volumetrics. I started working on these too see if I could help with the spot and small sign issue you are having.

Minus the hardness of the spot’s edge higher up where the light starts, and then me not adjusting the AO intensity in the corners of the room, they look pretty similar…, close but not the same.

All three renders are lit with the same two lights with the same intensity values.

Stock Eevee looks like poop comparatively. :stuck_out_tongue:


Eevee SSGI:

Eevee Stock:


Stock EEVEE is a hell of a lot cleaner. Does the SSGI build have noise issues that could be a problem to clean up?

No I added the noise (Resolve) to match Cycles. The SSGI branch has some noise (good noise) which I like.
Stock Eevee is waaaay to clean to use for any type of animation without adding a little grain.

Do you have a link for the latest SSGI build for OS X?

I’m using the latest windows version. There is a MacOS version out there created by another forum user but not by 0451. If you scroll through the SSGI thread you can find it if it’s still up. The Mac version isn’t up-to-date like the latest version for windows, and has some alpha issues if I remember correctly.

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Yup. It’s the top one. The one thing that gives it away is the way the light hits the signs over the gas pumps. It looks almost fullbright in Eevee, since it’s getting the full brunt of the cone lamp. Cycles gives it a nice bit of contour shading.

In general, it seems that Cycles does a better job of spreading out the lights, and shading the cracks and crevices than Eevee. Really though, that’s not something you’ll notice unless you’re going out of your way to pick nits between the two (like we’re doing now). Considering that the Eevee shot takes about 3 seconds to render, while the Cycles shot takes about 3 minutes, that’s a sacrifice most people probably won’t mind making.

I didn’t drop it completely. I just turned it off to concentrate on the lighting.

It’s weird, but I like the volumetrics better in Eevee than I do Cycles. It’s not as realistic, but it’s easier to tweak, and tends to look more, I dunno, cinematic.

My only problem with it are the little glowing blobs you get when you have a free floating point light. You can tone them down somewhat by playing around with the light clamping, but you can never get rid of them entirely. All you can do is hide them in something, and hope no one notices.

Never left, brah. The 90’s were DA BOMB, YO! Totes phat.

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Agreed, and the time savings is so nice.

I think we’re probably two Blender versions away from the lines really blurring between Cycles and EEVEE. What I would love is render-time displacement like I’m used to from a bunch of other CPU render engines. I know someone came up with an EEVEE displacement workaround, but it’s a cheat that doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny, especially with close up shots.

In the meantime, if OTOY can manage to actually release Brigade this year, that should make things considerably more interesting.

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Agree on all those points.
Yeah, the test videos of Brigade look really interesting. Hope to see it available this year.

To me, the nicest thing about Eevee is the instantaneous feedback for all your changes. When I first started trying out the rendering thing back in the 2.79 days, experimenting with your lighting was a long, drawn out affair. You’d have to tweak…wait…tweak…wait. It’d take 20 minutes just to adjust a couple of lights to taste.

Nowadays, you can throw everything at the wall all at once, and immediately see what sticks. If I want to try something, there’s no waiting to see how it turned out, cuz there it is.


Going to be my shortest ever post on here I think …

Love Eevee !

Thank you Blender Devs. x


Just a quick update on this. The 2.93 alpha adds some new lighting and volumetric features to Eevee that are pretty neat, and go a long way towards solving a lot of the problems I mentioned above.

Now, you can adjust how much a light effects the surrounding volume, allowing you to turn it off entirely, or overdrive it for an extra foggy effect. It also seems to make the volumetrics more stable in general, producing better, smoother results without as much glitching.

It is bad, and it is rad.

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Bad in the good way

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Yes. Bad as in bad to the bone.