Eevee, object does not show in mirror, everything else around it does

I have a scene in Eevee where a door panel is not reflected through a mirror.
I have checked the following possible culprits, it’s none of the following:

  • So reflective surfaces do not show each other (I have seen demos, how this does not work with eevee), so I changed the door to a diffuse-only material. Nothing
  • I have checked if the normals were pointing in, no they are as they should, pointing out.
  • I have switched several materials.
  • I’ve moved the door farther away and closer
  • Tried screen space reflections on/off, reflection cubemaps for the containing room, in addition to the reflection plane in front of mirror and many combinations of the above
    Nothing seems to work.

    There is also another mirror at a corner with this one and that doesn’t show up either, though I understand that this is normal behavior for eevee, not seeing one mirror through another?
    Also I cannot stop the world hdri reflections from showing up, they are behind walls and they should not show: as I move my viewer and/or camera the world shows more or less, accordingly, but never totally dissappears. The room closes off with walls, overhead slab and floor slab of considerable thickness and I have very small light leaks… but plenty reflection leaks.

Problem solved, see below, I therefore withdrew the .blend file

The problem was in the specific Blender 2.80 build, dated 21.01.2019
I switched to today’s Beta release 02.02.2019 and the scene now renders correctly.