Eevee objects in front of SSS shaded object has weird problem

Hi, it was commited to master Wed, Mar 3, 3:23 PM so it should be in 2.93 alpha.
May you edit your bug report to give/get more information.

Cheers, mib

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SS Refraction and SSS can not works together on Eevee.

Your Radius values are wrong. Yes, Eevee’s SSS is not accurate like Cycles but even so you can use effectively.

Radius = 0.3, 0, 0 is not true for skin. Use “0.482, 0.169, 0.109”.

And your scale is not true. A head never be nearly 3 meters. You must use real world scales.

Example: 2.8 MonkeyHairTest_New.blend (211.4 KB)

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Ah, I jumped the gun there. Maybe I accidentally was using an older version and thought it was the alpha. I tried it again tonight and there is actually a big difference.

(Might want to load them in different tabs and compare)

It looks like there’s no longer any issue with at least other geometries overlapping anymore.

The only issue that seems to remain for the hair, especially where the base of the hair meets the SSS geometry.
image image

I think I will report it just in case, but it’s great to see everything else overlapping the SSS geometry no longer seems to cause an undesirable color dispersion!