Eevee smoke sim not rendering

I’ve been trying to get a smoke sim working with this scene of a drifting car for a few hours, and I have the simulation down, but it’s not rendering.

as you can see it’s displaying in the viewport, and when in render view I occasionally get little glitchy moments where the whole domain fills up.

I have all of the scene settings as recommended online, with volumetrics enabled. I’ve tried a lot of the common troubleshoots I’ve found online, like setting the baking mode to all and pre-baking, but nothing seems to work.
To be clear this is not a simulation issue itself, the sim is working perfectly and looks just how I want it when I enable viewport display on the domain, as seen above, but no matter what materials I try it just wont render.
Thanks for the help!

I’ve also tried cranking up the density quite a bit, just noticed that the screenshot had it at 1.

The problem is most likely the start and end values in the volumetric settings. Eevee will spread a finite amount of volume samples between these 2 distances, so you want the 2 numbers as narrow as your scene will allow.

Assuming your scene is modeled to correct scale, try setting the start at 0.5m and the end at 50m.

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I tried tweaking the start and end around quite and now the whole domain is a grey box! at least that’s progress, something is showing up. That was definitely what was holding me back, thanks!

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That’s weird, the settings you showed should work correctly, so it must be caused by something else. A few suggestions:

-Does the smoke show correctly in Cycles?

-It could be a bug with the material. If you delete and re-create the material, does it solve the problem?

-It could be some setting on the object itself. Did you change the visibility settings on the domain object? Did you set it to holdout?

-Maybe the box you are seeing is not the smoke domain: is there an other object that’s disabled in the viewport but is visible in the render?

-Does the smoke domain have its rotation and scale applied?

-The simulation seems to have a low resolution in the picture. What happens if you increase it and redo the bake?

-If all fails, what about deleting and re-creating the domain?.