EEVEE Volumes with Cycles Saving Render Time How?


What is the best way to mix EEVEE Volumetrics with Cycles render. There is the way with different scenes but for mesh light to take effect i basically have to copy the whole scene and render it there with the different render engine.

And what is the composition node setup for that?

Maybe you have seen a tutorial about it? Pleas link it, that would be great.
In the future we have EEVEE Compositing where we can do this but until then…

Hope someone knows it and have a good day.

Mhm. I guess i have to wait for eevee Compositing…

I’m not really sure what you mean, but I’m currently working on a scene where I composit clouds (done with volumetrics) rendered in Eevee over an image that’s rendered in cycles. It’s gonna be an animation, but to test it I just did one frame first and it endet up looking like this:

This is the node setup:

I rendered all the different frames as Open exr multilayer and brought them back into a new file. The only problem compositing with renders from Eevee, to my knowledge, is that you can’t use cryptomatte and all that fancy stuff (at least I haven’t found a way, I’m a beginner). But in my case I just used cryptomatte from the cycles render in order to isolate the building in the forground, so I didn’t really need it. Not sure what you want to do with your render and if this is helpful or not. I hope just a little bit :slight_smile:

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My solution was to compile blender with the wip patch of eevee render passes. With that you can easily render Volumes with eevee and composite it onto the cycles render of the same scene.

But this is also helpful. First reason is i like to see different node setups and learn from them but secondly that was exactly the thing is was looking for. Thanks.

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I’m not sure if my node setup is good, my workflow is basically just throwing stuff in there and seeing if it works, but I’m glad it helped :blush:

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