Effect software

Can anyone direct me to some free software that is similar (in its usage) to Adobe Aftereffects? Is Cinepaint like this?


Cinepaint is Gimp with rotoscoping features. I tried to find some once and wasn’t successful.

Take a look at my link page and have a ball http://awalker.freeservers.com/

what about blender :stuck_out_tongue: its got a sequence editor with sound now.

you could also try virtualdub: http://www.virtualdub.com/

have u guys USED aftereffects? %|

Yes, I have. What would you like to know?

Wasn’t there a virus in aftereffect ?

Not that I know of. You can always download a demo from adobe.com and try it to see what it can do. Mind you, you better have broadband, it’s pretty big.

cree: i was referring to the suggestion of using virtualdub. it is NOTHING like aftereffects…

oh well. i have been using axogon composer (no longer available) for a while, and its OK…

Isn’t there a possibility to code own effects for the sequence editor in blender??? If not, this would be a wonderful idea, I think. :slight_smile:

at least its free… :wink:

that doesnt help when its useless :stuck_out_tongue:

ok i admit its not the best piece of free software around, but the cinepaint server(s) seem(s) to be fucked up so that was the only other program i knew… :-?

cree: i was referring to the suggestion of using virtualdub. it is NOTHING like aftereffects

Sorry, I thought you meant After Effects. No, I haven’t used virtualdub. So I can’t say. I can’t afford After Effects either, I just have unlimited access to it on a school comp.

Virtuadub is very useful, just not for this.

As regards to free AE-like progs, I haven’t found one either. This is one reason why I keep thinking I must do something about that damn sequence editor.

So close, yet so far.


This was originally intended for use as a realtime demo authoring tool, but it works very much like after effects. (They even admit they modelled their interface after after-effects). Unfortunately, they have only a handful of plugins for it, but there is an SDK for those brave and knowledgable enough to try writing their own.

Although primarily a realtime tool, the compositions can be rendered out to AVI.

Have fun


P.P. I HAVE used after effects, and this program was a breeze to pick up.

thanks for the suggestion nharron… looks like it has potential. too bad it appears to be dead.

oh well, must continue the search. if i find anything, i will be sure to post it here.

Hey… hasn’t anyone heard of Jahshaka??? I believe it’s developed by a Blender user.


yeah, i d/l it and tried it a few weeks ago… couldn’t really figure it out… i guess i need to spend more than 5 minutes. lol. i will have to try again.