Effects . A new forum needed

I think this message board needs an effects area. There are so many quick hacks and put together effects that are hidding in the achrives here but most everybody does not know where to look.

I purpose a new board or sticky message like the one for tutorials. That way prebuilt Blend files can sit waiting for somebody to grap and use and make better.

Like Any new people here know who on earth SysAdm was ? No … Well his site has all sorts of useful blend files for effects . But there could be more. And his stuff might disapear someday. So we need more people to have them so a backup can be easily found.

I my self am looking for some water effects right now. But it takes a while to do searches in the search results.


The link to Michael’s site might be helpfull…


These do indeed contain very interesting stuff.
More would be better…

Cool I just scored a bunch of stuff off that site. smoke and flames mostly, but also some water and explosions. I noticed there is work there by @ce, theeth, and m@dcow.

I don’t think effects needs a whole forum section just for them. However, a sticky post somewhere with example files links (not just for effects) would be a good idea. Maybe that could be integrated in the tutorial list effort (try contacting Appolux for that)


It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a sticky thread on resources in general, such as mayangs free textures site, and michaels, etc.