Eggcup robot

it’s Perfect.

Very nice indeed. Awsome job.:yes:

Love eggs, love the robot

spider robot cooking little egg

Of course the robot is amazing, but the background with the depth of field really makes it. Very nicely done.

Nice work! I want this robot for Christmas :wink:

You can make money out of this robot, get some copyrights going!

Magnifique! Ju veux un. (I want one)

Loving the lil robot…

I want it!

This is awesome, great work!


This is super cool. The details are amazing!

Nice style. I want to buy one. ha.

It is a perfect idea. I want to have such a robot at home. Nice work Iastrodamo :slight_smile:

Only crit: toast strips? Not bacon??

Good robot style

If this robot actually existed i would so buy it! I love “egg in the glass kick in the pants” as my grandma calls it. Trying to get the top off of a soft boiled egg and scooping out the scrumpscious contents is always a pain. PROFIT!!!

Nice concept!

That futuristic thing looks dangerous :))

Wow nice colors and very good modeling
I like it very much

That’s really freaky looking in a good way.