El Matador

So one day I walk into a gamestop armed with like $30 to get a few PC games. I browse through the shelves, look past all the mmorpg’s and simulation games and I see a price sticker of $10.00.

“El Matador”

I turned the box around and to my amazement see some beautiful screenshots:

Woah! This great looking game for only $10.00??! There has to be some catch. I read the back, and the story is about a DEA agent named Victor who’s mission is to go and destroy this drug empire. So the story seems interesting enough…

I purchase the game and quickly return home to play it. To my delight, the gameplay is perfect, much like a mix between HL2 and Max Payne. It’s a 3rd person action game with a great soundtrack and tons of adrenaline pumping action. I really didn’t expect much from a 10 dollar PC game at first but you cant judge a book by it’s cover… err… price in this case.

The character animations are fluid and the physics are spot-on. I really enjoyed this game and I would give it a rating of 8 out of 10.

I just wanted to share this little gem with you guys, I know there are some gamers here who would love this game. It’s cheap, and a great gaming experience.

Anyone know of any other under-rated PC games?

Beyond Good And Evil. That is a great action adventure, with really good game play, nice plot, good acting and great atmosphere. Personally I rarely even like the genre that much, but BGAE is a really good game, but sadly it never sold that much and a sequal was never made.

http://beyondgoodevil.com a link to the official game site.

Thanks for the suggestion Hippie! I’ll definitely check it out, the screens look cool. I love finding old but good games that I never heard of before. Not to mention, I like the price on these games as well = )

Yeah, I paid about 10 euros of my version of the game and it was money well spent.

As an adventure game fan I can also recommed The Longest Journey games and Syberia games are pretty good too. Good story telling and no “you forgot the aboject B in a place you can’t go again. You’re stuck/dead.” kind of puzzles.

I got Company of Heroes for free (GREAT game, but difficult to find online opponents which is a drag)
and I also got Quake 4 for 9.99 (great FX !)

I don’t really play either of them BUT I can tell other people that I bought TWO KICK ASS games for CHEAP

Console wise I have Shadow of Collasus and Dragon Quest VIII for $20 each because I waited on them to become greatest hits =) - however, I don’t really play them either, but I can still brag about the deal I got on them haah