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Hi, making an electric drums to practice… don’t know what i will do wth that after.
Modelling is nearly done…
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Hi, making an electric drums to practice… don’t know what i will do wth that after.
Modelling is nearly done…
Added some texturing except the carpet (balance of colours to choose) and the floor (to be improved, i don’t lke it this way).
Have to add the sticks (i suppose), with brilliant colours to focus (I think on the snare) and perhaps some score sheet…
I don’t know what to do with the background either.
Every little advice will be much appreciated
I realised that, as it stands, my “electric drums” will only do ‘plocs’ et ‘tacs’ as there is not the necesary module to simulate the sounds.
So here it is, not textured :
And textured :
Have to incorporate in the scene now and continue…
Hi, people,
Added the sticks, the module, some textures and lighting tests to he scene.
Have to work on the background image, i think of some drawings that would represent briefly a crowd or the lights of a concert hall without really seing them…
For the lighting and texturing, i m trying to work on the green and the red (saturated on the sticks to make a point of focus).
Nice! you’ve worked hard on this. Be fun to see some volumetric lights point from off stage onto your kit.
Rock and roll!
Thanks for the advice, I think volumetric lights should have been wonderful but I don’t have (yet) the skills for this sort of things.
Here is the final result…
I like…really well done.
The lighting will need some lub’n.
The only time a stage is this dark is when they close it down.
Take a look here.
for lights
then do a 360 degree rotating view of your awesome drum kit
those tutorials are really short and easy
tip: volumetric lights are just a spot light with the check box turned on for volumetric.
really its just click and point your light…easy stuff and very cool.
add a spot light, look under the properties panel under the light thingy icon.
You have worked so hard on this and it looks great, I think its worth a light or 20 to show it off more.