After a very long time I’ve decided to finish my female model Elissa in a 3D still instead of rigging her. I know I could still improve things, but I guess I wanted this model to be finished so I could finally get some peace in my mind.
Although I could have given her hair, I didn’t want to. I just like this simple scene and more details would only break the composition.
This was the very first model I’ve ever created with any 3D program and I’ve learned a great deal about modelling, texturing, lighting, rigging, etc. from scratch …but still there’s so much to learn and I’m not an expert at all. I just didn’t want to give up until I could finish it. So, for all new blender users, I wish to say, don’t give up. I’ve worked on this model during a long period, not fulltime ofcourse, but on and off.
Here’s the very first thread in the Work in Progress forum:
Later on, moved to the Focused Critique forum:
There are so many people who helped me by providing guidelines and critique. A big thanks to all of them! A special thanks to some of these people who replied a lot in order to correct things on the go!
Credits of all the people who replied in the 2 threads in no particular order:
ajc158, bedspirit, Modron, Clean3D, Suu999, Lando, Spin, Enriqolonius, M-K, Soter, BgDM, Aidan, enroper, peterdn1, PhiloVivero, qwed88, Z-Axis, Chuck, Kormiic, Giangmatrix, jarkkopoika, SmaTheGreek, Sundog, Rore, levi, Yetzero, Gmanx, toontje, lp_developer, ajc158, Artaures, Rocketman, mzungu, BlkMagik, Coalth, womball, thelonesoldier, Batman, freewind, dhanielc, moley, henrymop, Streen, Wereaser, Hoehrer, thorwil, Tyaedalis, shadowman99, Rizzo, Berglte, Howitzer, Mikejedw, Bapsis, Jim9137, glaurung, BenJaru, Xahk, rgn, Aligorith, Naive Amoeba, solartic, tolobán, Icarus_, Euro Boy, AniCator, Orinoco, Keen, kattkieru, Nyrath, lisae, nemoDaedalus, eaglebreath, cwans, marlopax, JoeSchmoe, ugizs, Dren, NodeRanger, zog34, PassiveSmoking, Paul J, Zwebbie, rexprime, mcbeth, Eku, Framedworld, Felix_Kütt, …and all the people I forgot to mention if any!
Large version (1977x1998):
Small version (792x800):