Elysiun Proposal ::: Weekly Artists Journal/Showcase :::

Hi guys and gals,

I know that the moderators here at elysiun work on this site in their spare time, and I know that there are many others like me who would love to see more cj’s and in my particular case, a lot more of the best art.

So what I propose is a sort of Mini Art CJ that focuses on just the art and the artists. It should come out every two weeks, as used to be the case at the old Blender.nl site and I would be more than happy to do it…

So, anyone else think this is a good idea?

Sounds cool to me, I love seeing how good we all are!

Sounds like a really good idea too me
Nothing like a CJ more often to keep me inspired :smiley:
But now Goofster will have more compition for the CJ %|

It would be nice to see a showcase of the best art. It would provide both inspiration and motivation for people like me.

you know i was thinking of making a bi-annual (free :wink: ) full e-magazine about blender, which included art(stills/anims/games), and features on the artists, and also features of some of the big game and animation WIP’s and whos making them+small “making of” things of just released things, etc., tons of tutorials, cool textures and any other intresting tid-bits, various interviews, etc…you know like close to 100-200 pages of some bad ass shit!…i cant do it though, atleast not right now…im too busy…maybe some time in the future…anyone else intrested in the idea though is more than welcome to pick it up…i think it would be really cool to have something like that…hell, you could even make it for a small price and give the funds from it to the Blender Foundation…i dunno…

btw goofster, i dont mean to take you out of bussiness with the CJ’s or anything with that idea o’ mine :wink: …i just thought if someone was willing to make something like that, it would be pretty cool…

goofster is away for a week so he won’t be able to respond now :slight_smile:

Anyways, if someone else is willing to take on the work for it, elYsiun can host it ofcourse.
This would have to be discussed with goofster though, he’s in charge of the CJ!


Yeah, thats me – Im more than willing, I was planning on creating a “Best of the Best” Blender art gallery so I’ll need to be hunting around for the best pics anyways :smiley: …Just thought it’d be better to kill two birds with one stone.

This kind of thing is needed to boost community morale and to be honest, we have to wait ages between each CJ (No disrespect to goofster whatsoever :wink: I understand he has a life)

This would be very easy and fun for me to do because it will only focus on images and the occaisional interview…

Sounds great to me too.


Go ahead M@dcow! I can’t wait to see (and read) it.

Ya that would be very cool!

A cool way to boost the moral of the blenderhead like you said. :smiley:

Go for it!

i like the cj as well and would be pleased to see more :wink:
but i just add an idea, what about doing the gallery? :slight_smile:
would have nearly the same result …

Yeah Timothy just sent me a private message regarding the gallery, but I get the feeling that if I take it on I might get bombarded with E-mails from people that want to join the galleries…Sounds like it may well be a lot of work :smiley:

I’ll give it a bit of thought and I’ll send Tim a PM later.

sounds like a great idea.
let me know if you need help… I could be interested.


how is it going to be set up. Do you browse the forums and pick out the best works, or can people submit work and then you see if it rates high enough to go in, or something else…

sounds like a good idea, though…


I think, we need a gallery of professional Blender works.
We need to show the best pictures to the world. With this, we will get more Blender fans and artists.
We need artist and fans.
With this we will get developerst and more…
We need more people.

There are mods available for phpBB that implement post rating/topic ranking. If you apply one of these to the Finished Works forum (a la CGTalk), you have a very easy way for the community to show what they like, making the job of a gallery curator or mini-CJ collector much easier.

I think we do need something in addition to the CJ. It comes out so infrequently that Goofster can’t possibly catalog and display all of the good artwork over that time period. I was surprised not to see my barn or my monkey poster in the last cj, but clearly under the current method of operations, it’s easy for good or even great artwork to go “unrewarded”.

Madcow, I think this a great idea.

people won’t be able to submit images,… and that won’t be advertised because as m@dcow stated, and as I’ve experience in the past you get alot of e-mails of people who want to join the galleries.
9 out of 10 of those e-mails aren’t worth even looking at (hehe no offence).

Endi, I couldn’t agree more – The more you show what is capable with Blender, the more people will want to join the community, the more people that join the community, the faster Blender develpment gets, creating yet more interest and new users…and so on and so on :o

How about this for an idea:

Create a weekly “Art Journal” showcasing the best works of the week. Then select the best image for that particular week and add it into the main Elysiun Gallery (Maybe even all, It’s up to Tim at the end of the day)

I also think that a sticky Topic should be created sayin’ “Post Yer pics here”, This would make life a lot simpler for me (As long as Timothy agrees, of course :smiley: )

Anyway, thanks for the feedback…

My perspective of this would be indeed a weekly art journal with simply the images created that week with the name of the author and name of the image mentioned.
There can be one best image of the week, with a description of the author, and a description of the image, also perhaps some computer specs etc,… This image can then indeed be featured on the main page aswell.

The gallery section will then simply give a overview of the weekly items, much like the news page generates an overview of the news items now.

And yes a sticky topic can be created for the weekly images, but I think people are better of just posting the links to the relevant post in ‘finished projects’.

Asfar as animations go I don’t want to host them in the gallery section, some other solution may be looked into when animations are involved, I prefer to keep them as ‘special’ items.

Someone also mentioned phpBB plugins for ranking etc, and I must say a definate NO to this :slight_smile: I will not spend any more time on intagrating phpBB further into elYsiun, and this definately includes adding plugins to phpBB.
