Hi everyone , someone here could guide me to create a material that simulates me about the picture?
Hey tried with a volume of material, but not how to apply texture, but what interests me is that in the denser parts of the mesh less light .
Translucent , but with a white and rough texture.
I hope you can help me, thank you very much beforehand .
Buenas a todos, alguien de aqui me podria orientar para crear un material que me simule lo de la imagen?
Eh intentado con una material volumetrico pero no se como aplicarle textura, pero lo que me interesa es que en las partes mas densas de la malla deje pasar menos luz.
Traslucido, pero con una textura blanca y rugosa.
Espero me puedan ayudar, de ante mano muchas gracias.
but you have more then one texture image like 3 images
so can you explain where you set these images on the model
and if you can upload low res model I can try to make a nodes set up
then you can play with it