Emission material

Hello everyone ,
Is it possible to make an emission material in UPBGE 0.2.5 like the cycles one ? With real lighting instead of adding lights to shadeless materials ? And if it is possible how much lag will it make ? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you

Well. Yes and no. We have no emmision node that works in UPBGE 0.2x yet*
However, we can use baking, point lights, and a bloom shader to achieve a somewhat, real-time solution with decent performance.


Sooo sorry for LATE replay , i watched that before and also watched some videos showing UPBGE 0.2.5 with real emissions , but most of them didn’t show the method .

I have that shader pack by tha timster it’s cool but it lights the whole scene , tried to playaround with the script but i failed =( .

Currently i’m stuck between searching for a real emission and trying to do it my own ( horrible results o_O ) .