Hi, I am wondering if there in a way to emit fur from a UV texture in Blender so I can keep the colour from the UV texture on the fur. If there is a way could someone please explain how to do this?
I am sort of new to UV texturing.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section or if I haven’t explained enough.
Fur is created (tutorial here) by using a mesh to emit particles that are static and thus only grow out so far. So the fur is not grown by a UV texture, but is grown really from a mesh. You can color the particles using the strand option to get a change of color along the length of the hair, but I don’t see why you couldn’t use a UV Texture to color the hair to give a pattern. Use the UV button in the Map panel, and enter the name of the texture (UVTex by default), instead of strand.
I’m afraid that didn’t work, I didn’t get a pattern in the fur. The texture was on the mesh, but not on the fur, and I did press the UV button in the map input and put in the name of the UV texture (UVTex), but the fur colour stays the same as the base colour without the UV texture.
Fur taking the color of the base mesh, whether it is a flat color, a procedural texture or a uv-mapped image is the default. Not sure how you’re doing it, but to set it up you:
Unwrap your model to assign UV coordinates.
Add a texture to your model, selecting and image in the Texture buttons, then utilizing the UV mapping method.
Grow your fur. Make sure that the strand particle’s Material index is set properly in the Visualization panel of the particle buttons.
That should do it. Sorry Papasmurf, but using the UVTex button doesn’t apply the texture to the mesh. Leave that blank (it’s for texturing each strand with a whole thing, like a leaf or feather image, iirc, and I may not be).