Emoo Blender Player

emoo blender player 1.0

the control im using in this player is made by microsoft. (have to say that so i dont get in shit)

Now what u do is put a game (make sure its a .blend) in the same dir as the players exe,
and name it game.blend. thats about it.
im gonna try to make so that u can also set the CS and the game name.
The CS in this demo was made by LohnC.

if you wre wondering what this does its a fmv player but it doesnt load a seperate window when playing a CS. it still needs alot of work though.

download : http://www.brainstorm-studios.net/Bruk/scripts/emoo.zip

btw ur screen res should be 1024x768 or it will look messed up.

Um, why do we need a blender player when we can just make our own executables ourselves?


Because, runtimes are a little bit big in file size, and when they compress a blend file, the game should be much smaller in file size. But when people don’t have Blender, an want to play blender files like non blender using friends on school, they can use Blender_owl’s blender player to watch it. :smiley:

no no no no no!!! it is used for fmvs :frowning: not olny a player, u can play avis in it without switching windows!!! :frowning:

but it uses the blender-player OLE control in vb right? in that case it’s sand-boxed, meaning that it can’t access the computers hard disk at all, so if you want to use this util you’ll have to accept that theres no chance of making save-game files, no importing external python modules, no running external utils in-game, no saving config files… the list goes on.

all-in-all if you want to run fmv’s you’d be better to stick with fmv-ed - although i would say that being its author. :slight_smile:

The only possible advantage of using the blender-player OLE control in vb instead of a normal blender exe is the possiblility of creating proper split-screen games, although that still wouldn’t work if the games have no way of communicating with each other.

Keith. 8)

:frowning: i know its sand boxed, im looking for the source so i can unsandbox it :slight_smile:

dead link

I think this is a great new tool for publishing games.

When you want to publish a game, open blender, save your game in a custom map called “my game” (your game name) with the name, game.blend. Afther that, pack your .blend, and then unpack it. Now all the textures, scripts and sounds are in your game map. Now add the Player from Blender_owl in the map, and give it an another icon and name.

When you zip, or rar your whole game map and send it to a friend, he can just unzip it, and run the player. :smiley: And viola, he can play the whole game. So this will spare you publishing an huge runtime.exe, and the friend or someone else which don’t have blender, can play it also, because of that Blender Player. So that would be great.

Btw. Where can I get a download of the Blender Player. :smiley: Because the link is dead. :frowning:

hmm this link shoukld work now, mind you i dont plan to keep working on it.

With what do you make such software? Because If you don’t go further with it, I can do that. :smiley: Can I get the source then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw, I tryed the emoo player, but it gives and error all the time, like: “error, your emovie.OCX is out of date”. So how can I fix this? I use Windows XP Prof.

update the oxc, i used visual basic to do it, sorry i dont have the source code for emoo but i was workin on a similar project it can do the same thing except it cant play CSs. search IGDI on source forge or “blender player” and you should find it, source code an all. The reason why i do not plan to continue it is cause i am no longer runnign windows so i cant develope for it.

Ok first of all.

What is a “CS”

Second of all.

What is a “FMV”?

Shaba: What is a “FMV”?

an FMV is a cut-scene, usually played before the game starts or in-between levels.
[>] [The cut-scene can usually be skipped, so it’s not required, even though it usually helps to watch them]

a cs is a cut scene