enable nvenc for blender VSE and video rendering

Is this possible and how do i go about doing so…
Is their a way to compile blender with the latest version of ffmpeg?

NVENC is an API developed by NVIDIA which enables the use of NVIDIA GPU cards to perform H.264 and HEVC encoding. FFmpeg supports NVENC through the nvenc_h264 and nvenc_hevc encoders. In order to enable it in FFmpeg you need to locally install the nvEncodeAPI.h headers from the NVENC SDK and configure with --enable-nvenc.To read more about the supported GPUs and download the NVENC SDK go to the following link: [​https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-video-codec-sdk](https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-video-codec-sdk)
Usage example:
ffmpeg -i input -c:v nvenc -r 30 -profile high444p -pixel_format yuv444p -preset default  -crf 30 -b:a 128k output
you can see available presets with “-preset help”
Other [​options](https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/079b5d4ef888bd42bf0147a6d964b8bc9ec0f3c5/libavcodec/nvenc.c#L1480) appear to be level, tier, cbr, 2pass, buffer_delay
hq = high quality
hp = high performance
bd = Bluray Disk
ll = low latency
llhq = low latency high quality
llhp = low latency high performance default = between llhq and llhp (same as ll?)


It is compatible with ffmpeg 3.0

When you configure blender, just point it to the new ffmpeg folder.

Enabling nvec will mean you will need to alter some python scripts whcih communicate between blender and ffmpeg.