Ender eye

First post here! Made a Minecraft eye:

100% Blender!
I’d always like to receive some criticism, if anyone knows how it could be made better, go-ahead :smiley:


Very nice! I think it looks cool. I think it’s difficult to say what could have made it better, that depends on what you are going for. If I saw this image alone, I might not have thought about an enderman straight away. Perhaps you could have cropped it differently so we saw more of the corner of the head, if you wanted instant recognition. The floating bits are a nice touch. I would also have madet he effects layer go all the way out into the corners, personally, but I don’t think it detracts very much, and is a matter of taste.

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Yeah, the biggest problem was definitely getting people to recognize it was an enderman xD, hadn’t thought of making the side of the head visible, that’s a pretty good idea! (Would have to weight the cos and the pros, the eye would probably stop being completely centred and I’d have to think about some background, if I had had that idea on the table from the beginning maybe things would have gone differently (perhaps make a sketch (even with my poor drawing skills…(even in such a simple drawing…)))) I gotta get more comfortable with my effects, I found that nice one but it made the corners do that (guess I’d have to make a slightly bigger render and crop it a little to fix it) (ah! Sorry, long text). Thanks for the feedback and nice words^^!
(whoo, you have your own site for your art! Is that something people do around here? Nice :D)