I have a small problem that I would like your help. I have an animation of a head that turns 360 degrees and I would like to render this for about 1 min. I have already rendered it with a duration of 12 sec, 300 Frames and 24 frame rate.
I have made PNG Photos and then in the Video Editor window I ve rendered the final animation. The problem is that when I play this on VLC or Windows player and repeat it is making a small gab and then starts again, it isnt going smoothly. I have tried linear interpolation and cycles modifier but in my viewport is ok but the exported animation isn
Also I added again all the images, changed the end frame for now at 900 ( repeat 3 times ) so i can create an endless minute of animation but still I see that isn`t going smoothly. You can see some Screenshots. Is there any way to join all this strips of images and create an endless exported animation?
I hope that you understand what I would like to have.