Endless animation?


I have a small problem that I would like your help. I have an animation of a head that turns 360 degrees and I would like to render this for about 1 min. I have already rendered it with a duration of 12 sec, 300 Frames and 24 frame rate.
I have made PNG Photos and then in the Video Editor window I ve rendered the final animation. The problem is that when I play this on VLC or Windows player and repeat it is making a small gab and then starts again, it isnt going smoothly. I have tried linear interpolation and cycles modifier but in my viewport is ok but the exported animation isnt.
Also I added again all the images, changed the end frame for now at 900 ( repeat 3 times ) so i can create an endless minute of animation but still I see that isn`t going smoothly. You can see some Screenshots. Is there any way to join all this strips of images and create an endless exported animation?

I hope that you understand what I would like to have.


Try the NLA. Your first frame and last frame need to be in synch. Easy way is to make sure first frame and end frame plus one are identical. Then back up one frame. Use the nla to repeat. Then render for your one minute. You can play it in the NLA to check it with a playblast. If you can’t get it post a blend.