enemy for game

could some one plz give me a video on how to get a simple enemy to follow and attack :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::eyebrowlift:

I made a short file for myself to test it maybe it can help you :wink:
enemy.blend (408 KB)
if you get near to the enemys they will follow and shoot at you.
(WASD to move, SPACE to shoot)

Interesting, why do you use two radars in your example, nickdiesel?

:confused::confused::confused: well your right thats weird!
you can delete one radar-sensor, one and controller and one motion actuator on every enemy! I really don’t know why i did this :rolleyes:

Let me Google that for you…

Go on youtube.

thanks for all the help every one i didnt think i was going to get any post

that is extreamly good but could you make a video